CHAP. 11

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   The boys were brought in one by one. They were all asked the same questions, and all answered the same. They stood by the fact that Mr. Keating was in fact a good teacher and not a bad influence.

   Now it was (Y/n)'s turn. "Ms. Keating, I understand that you have become quite close with a few of the boys here at Welton." She wrings her hands in her lap. "That is correct. I've had the opportunity to make many great friends."

   "I am glad to hear that…It was brought up to me that you may have met with these friends off campus, at night. This is against the rules, as I'm sure you know. But I'd like to hear what you have to say." She tries to ignore the moisture building on her scalp. "I spent time with my friends during Mr. Keating's class." 

   "Yes, but that does not tell me anything about the supposed meetings." (Y/n) clears her throat. She knew she shouldn't lie. "No rules were broken, sir. No meetings took place."

   "I hope you are being honest with me, (Y/n). It will be better for you in the end…You may go." She quickly stood, the chair scooting back with a loud groan. "Thank you, sir." She left, shutting the door behind her.


   Charlie was gone and Cameron had distanced himself. (Y/n) tried to spend as much time as she could with the boys. She feared that she would lose them.

   She wrote to her mother about everything. How Keating was under investigation, the interrogations, and how badly she wanted to stay.

   After he was expelled, Charlie started attending school at Ridgeway. (Y/n) would take her father's car during lunch and meet with him. She kept him updated on the investigation.

   "So they interrogated you too?" Charlie takes a bite from his sandwich. "Yeah. I don't know what's going to happen…Cameron is the only one who said anything bad though." She ran her fingers through her hair. Charlie takes her hand in his. "It will be alright. You all stuck up for Keating. And if he gets fired, we'll all buy plane tickets and come stay with you in London for the summer."

   She laughs. "Like your parents would let you all do that." He shrugs. "Who said they'd need to know?" She sighs. "We all miss you. Even your stupid pranks." He gasps. "You miss me? If you have feelings for me, just say so." She rolls her eyes, pulling her hand away from his. "My god, Dalton." She laughs. His smile wavers for a moment, but he quickly recovers.


   It had been two weeks since the last interrogation. They waited to hear anything about whether Keating was going to keep his job.

   (Y/n) needed to calm her nerves and it was a nice day. So she asked the boys to join her for a walk. They didn't say much. Just enjoyed each other's company. 

   They had been walking for about an hour when it started to pour. Meeks pulled his blazer off, handing it to (Y/n). She shook her head before pulling her shoes off and running around. "What are you doing?" Neil yells with a laugh. "Having fun!" (Y/n) runs back and grabs Todd's hand, swinging him around in circles. They both laugh.

  As the ground gets wet, mud starts to form beneath their feet. Todd slips, landing on his back. He yanks (Y/n) down with him. She gasps, flinging mud from her hands. Neil sticks his hands out to help her up. She takes it, pulling him down to her other side. They all laugh.

   Todd, (Y/n), and Neil help each other get up. They start running around in the rain, Meeks and Pitts joining.

   By the time they got back to the school, their clothes were soaked and muddy. They all linked arms as they entered the building, keeping each other from slipping. Their laughter dies down when they notice a woman watching them. (Y/n) stares at her wide-eyed. "Mom?"

   The boys all share a look. "(Y/n), darling." The lady with a proper English accent spreads her arms. (Y/n) runs into them despite her dirty clothes. The woman strokes her daughter's wet hair.

   After a moment, they break apart. "What are you doing here?" She wipes some mud from (Y/n)'s nose. "I read your letter. I need to talk to you and your father. But first." She motions to the boys standing against the wall. "Please, introduce me to your friends."

   "Right! This is Knox, Pitts, Meeks, Todd, and Neil. Guys, this is my mom." They wave and she waves back. "Wonderful to meet you all. But, aren't there two more that you mentioned in your letters?" (Y/n) looked down at her muddy, bear feet. "Charlie attends Ridgeway now, and Cameron has other things that require his presence." Her mother nods, understanding what she meant. 

   "Could you take me to your father, (N/n)?" "Of course." (Y/n) hugs the boys. "A pleasure to meet you all." Mrs. Keating smiles before her daughter leads her down the hall. "So that's where she gets her looks." Pitts chuckles.


   Mr. Keating sat at his desk, sorting through papers. "Father?" "Hm?" He looks up to see not just (Y/n), but his wife as well. "Love?" He stands, pulling his wife into his arms. They share a long awaited kiss.

   "I'll let you both catch up while I change." (Y/n) leaves to shower and put on a new outfit. When she returns, she sees her mother and father sitting at the small dining table. She takes a seat with them.

   Mr. Keating speaks first. "You know about the investigation, yes, (Y/n)?" She nods. "They concluded that without the signatures of your friends, they had pretty much nothing substantial to hold against me." She smiles. "That's great! So, you'll get to keep your job." 

   "Yes. But I was talking with your mother. The only thing they could find to hold against me was your presence at the school. And don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have it any other way. But like I said, I was talking to your mother. She has agreed to move to the States."

   "What? Wait…what does this all mean?" 

   Mrs. Keating takes her daughter's hand. "It means that we would buy a house here in town. I'd live there, and so would you on occasion. You would still be allowed to reside here. But we hope that this arrangement will keep Mr. Nolan from getting too upset, since you wouldn't always be here. You would also attend a public school. The one I believe you said your friend goes to, Ridgway."

   "So we'd all be together again?" Both of her parents nod. "I…I have to tell the others." She stands and kisses them both on the cheek before running out of the room.

   She didn't stop until she had reached the dorms. Then she started banging on her friend's doors. They gathered in the hall. "What's going on?" Todd asks. "Follow me." She leads them to Mr. Keating's classroom. After they file in, she closes the door. They all look at her expectantly.

   "I am happy to announce that Mr. Keating will continue to teach at Welton." The boys begin to cheer. "Wait, wait! I'm not done." They quiet down. "You will also be seeing less of me."

  "What, why?" Neil asks. "Are you leaving with your mother?" "No. My mother is buying a house in town. Every other week I will reside here at Welton. I will attend Ridgeway with Charlie. Then after school, I will come here."

   "We're not losing you!" Todd hugs her and the rest join in, the stress of the previous weeks melting away.

Author's note:

That's the last chapter before you get to choose your path!!! Who will you end up with?? Oooooooh. 

Please be patient while I write the endings :')

I loved writing this fanfiction. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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