Ch.7 Oh look a doggo

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The next day the sun was out so no Cullen would be coming I guess. Unless they want people to know they are light up like disco balls. I had a problem with them not coming, because I would be pretty much alone, because of the whole scene with Jessica.

I got in the car with Bella and she looked at me and asked "What is it that makes you look tense?"

I smiled and said "Nothing, just didn't get enough sleep I guess." She shrugged her shoulders and drove the truck. When we reached the school, I saw Jessica and the company and she looked oddly determined, for some reason.

Sis looked at me and said "This looks rough..."

I said "There is nothing that a smile can't fix."

She looked at me and said "You are going to get kicked in the balls, if you say stuff like that."

I said "Touche." We then got out of the truck and Bella went ahead with the rest of them and Jessica stood by waiting for me. I looked at her and asked "How are you?"

She said "I am fine." We then walked a bit farther in silence then she looked at me and said "Look , Chris, I just wanted to say that I like you and I wanted to say this before you two become a thing."

I looked at her and stopped and said "Look Jessica, you are a very beautiful girl, you are smart, funny and initiative. But I see you like that, I don't think I have feelings for you."

She looked at me and smiled and said in a broken tone "Alright... I just wanted to ask... I'll see you in trigonometry."

She then ran away and I felt bad, but sometimes it is just better to pull the plug. The entire day sucked for me. I had to sit on a different seat because of the whole thing. I also had another problem: the full moon was near. I highly doubted the ability of the chains to do anything.


The next day the Cullens showed up and I saw Cat in the parking lot and I waved at her and she waved back. But it wasn't a stiff wave like last time.

We were in the cafeteria and I was still sitting at a different table, Bella instead of sitting with me but I told her otherwise. No need to isolate yourself for me. I was eating the lunch that she packed for me.

I was eating when someone sat next to me, it was Cat. She patted my shoulders and asked "Want to sit with us?"

I jokingly asked "You are not going to eat my lunch are you?" She chuckled and grabbed my arm and we then made our way to the Cullens table and I saw that Edward was not there, he was making his way to my sister.

We both sat down and I revealed my lunch, which was more like a dinner. I mean 8 club sandwiches filled to the brim. Emmet looked at it and asked "You sure eat a lot man."

I smiled and said "I burn through food man. I need energy." I then looked at Edward and said "He still likes to stay away from me?"

Emmet nodded and said "I mean at this point either go away or go for it. It should be as simple as that."

I said "Exactly man."

Alice then said "Oh, stop. He is trying his best."

I smiled and said "Not exactly. I mean if that dude went around and asked any girl here would anyone say no?" They had an obvious face, then I said "I mean all of you are ridiculously good looking. No one would say no. My sister is no exception."

Emmet said "He has a point though."

I said "Thank you."

I was then eating and then Cat looked at me and said in an undertone "If I asked?"

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