7: such beauty, yet such damage ☆

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I wake, feeling a heavy weight smothering me.

Opening my eyes, I see him fast asleep, with his entire body on top of mine. I sigh, but lay my head back down, not bothering to try and wake him. Lying there I can't help myself, as I start to thread my hands through his soft, chocolate locks of hair.

He really is a beautiful man.

Deep chocolate locks of hair, eyes of the bluest oceans, a jawline that looks like it would slice you, and smooth caramel skin.

Such beauty but such damage.

As I am threading my hands through his hair, I accidentally wake him. I freeze my hand immediately, worried he will be angry with me.

But instead he grabs my hand, placing it back on his head.

"Don't stop. Feels good." He says quietly.

His morning voice raspy, laced with sleep.

A voice so deep you can feel the vibrations when he speaks.

We lay there in silence for awhile, before he stretches, then stands.

"Come. Let's shower." He says while holding his hand out to me. I take his hand, standing myself.

"One second."

He leaves, coming back with the key.

Unlocking my ankle we make our way into the bathroom. Except he doesn't leave.

I look at him in question.

"I thought we could shower together. If that's okay." He says.

I mean, we've already seen each other naked. I guess there's no issue. Showering together still does seem weirdly more personal than what we did before. But I shove these thoughts to the back of my head. I don't want to anger him. So I nod, and start slowly undressing as he does the same.

Once undressed, we hop in.

I sigh in relief feeling the hot water hit my muscles. It feels better than I could ever describe.

Especially after sleeping on hard cement for so long. Yes, there's blankets. But they don't make it any softer.

Standing under the water, I hear him squirt soap out onto the wash cloth, coming closer he starts gently washing my back clean. I grab my hair, moving it to the front, so he can continue.

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