- 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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𝗝𝗝 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗱 Kaci tight in his arms, concerned about the lack of seatbelts in the back of Twinkie. She refused to sit up at the front because of how ratty the seats where, and she was sure that if she sat in one she'd catch an STD. The pouges were heading to the old Crain house, where an old woman supposedly murdered her husband, because apparently that was where the gold was located. Kaci personally heard all the stories as a kid, and batshit Mrs Crain was her literal idol. She couldn't wait to get married, only to kill her husband if he ever talked shit.

"Alright, you guys got rope?" John B called behind to his friends at the back as they neared the old house.

"Got it."

"Grappling hook?"

"No grappling hook. We're not Batman."



"Dark clothes?..."

Kaci rolled her eyes at the checklist — he'd already asked all of these questions four times before they even set off — and let out a quiet yawn, hugging herself tighter in the long black hoodie she borrowed from JJ. Literally nothing of hers fitted her anymore, and she didn't have enough time to search for anything else.

JJ smiled at the noise that came out of her, pulling her closer to him when he saw that she was getting tired. His heart melted everytime she looked at him, even when it was a glare. He was staying true to what he said to his friend; he was going to make Kaci Flores his, no matter how stubborn she was.

Once John B was done with the checklist — again —, he smiled and stopped the van outside the woods that lead to the creepy house. "We're ready," he announced, jumping out of the front seat.

"Let's go," said Kie.

"Yeah, let's go get rich, guys," added JJ, nudging Kaci lightly to wake her, but she only groaned. "Whoever can carry the most gold gets to name my little man."

That woke her up.

"No, definitely not," Kaci told him, sitting up and taking herself out of his arms.

JJ grinned. "Don't worry, Princess, it'll be me," he assured her with a wink, playfully flexing his muscles while Kaci cringed.

"It's not funny — can you imagine the names John B would come up with?" she asked, a glare on her face at the thought. "My son is not being named after a fucking childhood goldfish."

Everybody nodded in agreement; that was definitely something John B would do. They all made little comments, hyping themselves up for the night ahead of them, adrenaline being their main source of comfort.

John B came around to swing open the back door, leaning forward before anybody could get out. "Wait. Wait. Wait." They all paused at his words, waiting for him to speak, a little confused, because he was the one most excited for this. "I wanna say thank you, guys. Seriously. It means a lot to me that you're here tonight."

Kaci smiled at him for the first time ever, and JJ slowly wrapped his arms around her from behind again, pulling her close so that her back was flat against his chest.

"We're getting justice for Big John and Luis," she said with a confident nod, to which John B smiled back at her. She was the only one who understood what he was going through, and he was more than happy to bring her along on this hunt.

"Always," said Kie with a little eye roll, a genuine smile on her face as she looked at her best friend.

Pope nodded, pulling his hand out his pockets. "Of course, man."

𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 - jj maybank Where stories live. Discover now