- 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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𝗝𝗝 𝗠𝗮𝘆𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗸 could not stop smiling. In the last hour that he'd been speaking to Kaci Flores, the cheesy smile on his face refused to go away. He was having a baby; he was going to be a father. He was going to be the next Heyward.

"Wait, so you're telling me Pope has known for, like, a week?" he asked, chuckling slightly.

Kaci nodded, opening the door to her bedroom so that they could sit down and talk properly. "Yeah, I told him everything first," she answered.

"I can't believe he didn't tell me!" JJ exclaimed, not in anger — he was nowhere close to being angry — and shook his head. "Man, I love that kid."

"Yeah, me, too," said Kaci with a light laugh. She sat down on her bed, and JJ didn't need to be told before he threw himself onto the memory foam mattress, letting out a calm sigh of relief. For a moment, the soon-to-be parents just stared at each other. It was simple. They were both smiling, and neither one could break the eye contact. They were in their own bubble; the outside world and their opinions didn't matter. Until Kaci had to speak again, and remind them both of the challenges that were to come. "Not to be that bitch, but you need to answer some questions for me."

JJ nodded, his fluffy hair shaking at his eagerness, and pulled a weed vaporiser out, sucking on it hard, taking it back to blow out a cloud. "Hit me with your worst, Princess."

Kaci rolled her eyes in instinct, and sat up to prepare. "You gonna come to the appointments?" she asked first.

She had already explained to him that she hadn't been to any so far, which they both agreed was dangerous and wrong, but Kaci couldn't go back now and JJ understood her reasoning. He was trying to be very open-minded about the whole situation — he couldn't imagine being in her shoes.

"Every single one," he answered, a genuine smile on his face as he looked down at the bump on the girlʼs stomach. Honestly, JJ wished she didn't tell him until the second she was going into labour; he wasn't sure he could wait over a month with this kind of excitement.

Noticing the way his eyes kept flickering down, Kaci brushed her hair off her shoulder and smiled lightly at him. "You want to feel?" she offered, to which he glanced up at her with a grin.

"I mean, I'd love to, but don't want our kid to get any ideas too young..." He smirked, proud of himself and his quick comments.

"You're disgusting," Kaci deadpanned.

JJ shrugged and sat up on the bed, shuffling closer to her, his grin melting into curiosity. He licked his lips, reached his hand forward — and he could've sworn he heard Kaciʼs breath snap — and delicately placed his palm flat on the bump. On his baby. His eyes watered up as he felt a little kick, and he stared back up at the mom with an appreciative smile. "Thank you," he said, confusing the girl a little. Other than this recent search for the lost gold, which he hadn't told Kaci yet, JJ couldn't remember the last thing he was genuinely looking forward to. He had never had anything other than anger to motivate him since he was a little kid. His baby was his light. The only thing to water down the fire in his blood.

"What about your family?" asked Kaci, turning the conversation serious again. "Is there anyone you want to be around the hospital when it's time?"

JJ shook his head, thinking of his father for a short moment. There was no way Luke would ever meet his baby. JJ wouldn't let anyone harm his baby. Ever. "Nah, I've just got the pouges."

Kaci furrowed her brows. "No parents? Grandparents?..." Her voice began to drift when she saw the dark look in his eye. Not angry, more sad. "...Sorry."

"No, it's good." JJ was quick to brush it off, taking his hand off their baby. "Our kidʼs gonna have a lot of family." He looked up at Kaci, who was already staring at him, a soft expression on her face, an expression she didn't wear that much. "Oh, and you've totally gotta make up with Kie, by the way," he added smoothly.

"Absolutely not." Kaci shook her head straight away.

"C'mon, she'd forgive you if you apologised."

"I did nothing wrong."

"Because you're a kook?"

"No, because she's a cunt."

"You beat the crap out of her."

"Somebody had to wipe the shit off her mouth."

JJ and Kaci were both looking at each other, challenging each other, neither one of the stubborn teenagers backing down. But as the boy stared more at the girl, he noticed something red behind the thick coat of her makeup.

"Who the fuck did that do you?" JJ asked the second he saw it, a fierce glare in his eye.

Kaciʼs mouth opened, closed, and she looked away.

"Kace, if somebody hurt you or my child, you have to tell me," he told her.

She sighed, turning back to him. "It was Rafe, but he's sorted out, okay?" she revealed. "He's not gonna do anything again."

JJ clenched his jaw, his whole vision going red. "You're damn right, he's not."

"JJ —"

The door to the bedroom suddenly opened, and the two teens were quick to snap their heads there. Jordan Flores stood at the doorway, phone in his hand, reading from a text. Then he looked up to face his big sister.

"Mom is so pissed at you, bro — Ward Cameron just dropped a sponsorship with the hotel."

Authorʼs Note
i apologise for how short this chapter is, and i probably could've put it in the last one, but i couldn't be bothered editing or writing it all at the same time. anyway, jj is my favourite man on this planet and one of the only reasons i'm not completely gay. idk if i have his character right, though, do you think he'd actually ever say these things? i'm not that confident with it yet. we will find out the gender in either two or three chapters. so let me say this is your last chance.

team boy, comment here ☞︎︎︎

team girl, comment here ☞︎︎︎

name ideas, comment here (give me as many as you can, i'm begging) ☞︎︎︎

i can't wait to hear all your suggestions, because i am desperate to make a final decision, which is really hard, considering i'm the most indecisive person i know. there won't be any updates tomorrow because it's my quinceañera and i'll be busy all day and night, but i might update again later on today if i have the time. i hope everyone reading this is having a good day, i appreciate you all more than you know.
love, tay </3

𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 - jj maybank Where stories live. Discover now