Super, Power

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3rd person POV:

In an RV, Ned, Peter, and Gwen drove off to their early vacation from school after it was blown up.

With Gwen behind the wheel, and no one's guardians knowing they were spending a summer in an RV with a member of the opposite sex, the three first found themselves in Metropolis.

The home city of the Supers.

Ned: I always liked Metropolis. It doesn't rain as often.

Gwen: Or have several psychotic serial killers...

Peter: It still has villains.

Gwen: Yeah, but they aren't as unhinged as our villains.

Ned: Yeah, Lex Luther is kinda the only crazy guy here.

Peter: What does that say about our country when he used to be President...?

Gwen: Still better than the one before... So what's the plan?

Ned: Ohh! I wanna see the Super-Sandwich shop that opened here!

Gwen: No, I mean, what's the plan for the Spidey business?

Ned: Oooooooooohhhhhh...

Ned: I wanna see you jump off the Daily Planet! And do cool tricks!

Peter: I already did that.

Ned: Didn't you get interrupted twice?




Gwen/Ned:(on phone) Jump, jump, jump, jump!

Spider-Man: Alright... The third time's the charm... WHOOO!

Leaping off, Spidey free falls down into the city.

Spider-Man: Hm?


???: Don't worry I got- oh hey, you're that Spider guy.

Turning to the similarly aged girl as he was, Spidey found the cousin of Superman...

At least from a different reality.

(Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr: Lady of Steel AKA Power Girl)

(Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr: Lady of Steel AKA Power Girl)

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Spider-Man: Again!?

(Opening theme)

Getting Power Girl's autograph, Spidey lay on the edge of the building.

Spider-Man: Do I have to like... Organize an event so I can jump off the Daily Planet?

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