We have cure....possibly

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"Come on John we have to keep going! He's going to get away!" I sprint even faster though I have can feel the small amounts of blood getting ready to spill from my mouth.

"Sherlock we won't catch him on foot!" John yells from behind me and I keep going. I see Cody Vincent and I run even fast after him and I can't help but cough a few times as blood spills from my mouth. 

I see him jump through a window into an old factory building near the water. I go after him and leave my coat and scarf outside. "SHERLOCK SLOW DOWN YOU PRAT!" John shouts from behind me. 

I turn around and I look at him. I help him in and I quickly wipe the blood off my face as John catches his breath. "I'm going to get him and then we can go home. Give me your gun." 

He hands it over and I go after Cody again. I run up ten flights of stairs and find him leaning on the edge of it. 

"Mr. Sherlock Holmes two years ago you got my brother murdered while I was out on a trip on the US. I think it's time to pay up for what you did." Cody says and I role my eyes.

 "Then it's quite unfortunate that you need me to help you get revenge when you could just come to term with the fact that he committed suicide when he came face to face with me."


When John gets up here Cody sees him and grins. "Guess I get to put on a show and kill you in front of your best friend." He says and I glance back at John.

"You're very wrong about that statement. Just like your brother I'm gay and in a very healthy relationship. Unlike your brother mine is still alive and isn't cheating on me."

"How do you know?" Cody says and looks at me and then at John. John steps forward and takes his gun back from me. 

"He and I are very happy together and I'm not cheating on him. Now step away from the ledge so we can take you to trial and reduce your time in prison." John says and I give him a side glance. 

"Go home to Rosie. Be careful on your way back and take your gun, it won't be necessary." John hesitates before leaving. When John gets far enough away I turn back to Cody and he pulls a gun out. 

"You should never have let him take the gun." He says and I smirk. 

"You're not the first person to shoot me and it certainly won't be my first time almost dying." 

He pulls the gun and I charge him. We go falling down into the water and he shoots me. I take his gun and throw it to my left and I change his trajectory so that he lives upon impact with the water.I

We land and he hits his back but not in the way to kill him. He pulls me under, I shove him further down until someone pulls me up. We both come up for air and he gets shot in the forehead. 

I turn to look at John and he pulls me out if the water. "Sherlock oh god! Come on we need to get you to an ambulance." John says and I faintly hear him as I start to loose consciousness 

I barely get up before Lestrade and the rest of the team show up and get over to me. "God Sherlock what they hell have you done." Lestrade says and I role my eyes. 

I get up and John helps me get to an ambulance. They stitch me up quickly before blowing me to leave. John objected to the quick check up but they weren't having it. I get up and Lestrade gives us a ride back to Baker Street. 

"Thank you Greg." John says and we get back inside. John leads me to the couch and I lay down and John goes up stairs before bringing Rosie downstairs. When he sets her down she stands up and walks over to me.

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