Bonus Chapter #1 : Part B

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"Betty called, by the way," Kai said as he rested his head on Roan's lap, "Moms want to meet the kids."

"I think we should wait a little before that." Roan replied as he played with Kai's hair, the two were mindlessly watching the television as they talked.

"Why? They've been with us for months now," Kai asked, "Even Leo has opened up a bit more. Atleast with you."

"I just.. I just don't think it's a good idea to introduce them to more people if.." Roan paused, a pained look on his face, "If they're only here for a temporary period of time."

"Oh," Kai sat up straight as he turned to face his husband with a frown, "That makes sense, yeah."

"I wanted-"

"Maybe we-"

Both of them said simultaneously, making them chuckle.

"Go on." Roan said.

"I was just thinking that.." Kai began nervously, "I know we decided that we wouldn't adopt. That we would just foster but.. It's just.. You know.."

"I do," Roan nodded as he held Kai's hand in his own, "I don't want them to leave either."

"They don't have any other family that they could eventually go and live with." Kai said.

"And I've read that the whole adoption process is easier if you're adopting kids you were already fostering." Roan added.

"Are we on the same page with this?" Kai asked with a grin, "We're really doing this?"

"Yeah," Roan nodded, "I'll call Claire tomorrow and figure out the details."

"We have to talk to the kids about this too." Kai pointed out.

"Let's talk to Claire first and see what the chances are. I don't want them to think we made a false promise if shit doesn't work out in the end." Roan reasoned.

"It'll work out." Kai smiled.

"I love your optimism, honey." Roan returned the smile as he leaned forward to peck Kai's lips.

"And I love your lips." Kai said as he kissed his husband again.

"Oh, yeah?" Roan smirked, "Where do you want my lips?"

"You know where," Kai grinned as he got up from the couch, holding Roan's hand to pull him up too, "Leo has taken Maya to the playground, they won't be back till atleast an hour."

"Hm?" Roan hummed, "What do you suppose we do?"

"Race to the bedroom whoever reaches first gets to top!"


"-and you fill the icing like this." Kai said before cutting the tip of the cone and handing it to Maya to decorate the cake.

"This smells really good." Leo complimented as he watched his sister fail miserably at icing the cake, a content look on his face.

"Ro may be the MasterChef of this house but I'm definitely the dessert guy." Kai replied.

"Can we add cherries?" Maya asked, looking up at Kai with her big baby brown eyes.

"Of course, princess." Kai smiled as he took out the cherries from the fridge.

"I wanna show Ro!" Maya exclaimed excitedly as she was done decorating the cake. The cake looked like it was made by a five year old, which well, it was.

"You and I will clean up first," Kai said as he booped Maya's nose, making her giggle, "Leo will get Roan, yeah?"

"Sure." Leo replied as he got off the counter and left to go upstairs.

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