Q & A

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Q - How do you write the chaps sooo fast lol?

A - Honestly, after the first few chapters I felt so at ease with writing about Roan and Kai that it all kept coming naturally. Like, there were times when I wrote three chapters in a day just because I didn't want to stop writing about them.


Q - What are yours, Roan and Kai's mbti?

A - I'm an INFJ, Roan would be INTP, and Kai would be ENFP


Q - Their kinks?

A - Both of them have a lot of shared kinks, one of them being dirty talk. Kai likes getting choked as well as getting tied. Roan is, obviously, more dominant and he likes having control. Roan enjoys teasing Kai too, especially when they're alone in public places and have a high chance of getting caught.


Q - What are they and you planning to do in the future / dream job?

A - Roan wants to start his own business someday, or work in consulting. Kai is likely to go into academia and be a professor. I'm studying psychology and I want to be a therapist!


Q - For how many time have you and your partner been together?

A - We started dating in 2018, so it's been almost 4 years now


Q - Will you do a chapter on Kingsley and Cole?

A - I'm thinking of a possible spin-off for Kingsley. If I don't go ahead with that then I'll definitely atleast write a bonus chapter. I'm not sure whether Cole will be in it or not though.


Q - I have just one question and it's for the author! What made you write this amazing book? Did you have any inspiration?

A - I love writing about cliché tropes, and friends to lovers is one of my favourites, definitely. With tense I wanted to write something steamy (guess you can see that in the first few chapters lol) so yeah, I kind of just started this book without much thought and so far I really like where it's at!


Q - When Kai and roan where playing spin the bottle,why exactly did Kai want roan to kiss him?

A - It was a mix of emotions for Kai. He was drunk, and that definitely played a part too. But seeing Roan let Derek kiss him, but not Kai was a kick to his ego, especially considering they were best friends and both of them were more or less obsessed with each other. Any sexual attraction was subconscious, Kai was mostly just drunk, jealous and hurt


Q - if you could be any animal, who would you be (for both mcs and author)

A - Roan would definitely be a panther, and Kai would say that say that he wants to be a wolf or something of that sort, but in reality he'd want to be koala. As for me, I know penguin is a bird but yep. Penguin.


Q - what r ur zodiacs

A - Roan is a scorpio, Kai and I are both cancers


Q - Will kai and roan tell their parents about their relationship? How would they react?

A - Both of them have told their parents, and both sets of parents were super supportive of their relationship. They've seen Roan and Kai grow up together, and they couldn't ask for a better partner for their kids


Q - To the author were any of the characters in the story or any their character traits based on anyone you know

A - Some of their personality traits as well as how they interact is definitely based on my partner and I. My partner, like Roan, is very cool headed and practical, someone that works hard and likes to stay out of drama by being as straightforward and honest as possible, but can someone have troubles understanding the emotional side of things. Kai, who's a little like me, is more sensitive and gives equal weight to emotion and logic, and can be super stubborn and indecisive at times


these were all the questions for now! if any of you have more then leave them here and I'll update the chapter sometime soon <3

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