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I've been sitting on something for a long time.

As some of you may know, I've been working on a project with the temporary title "Project University". And, a little while back, I mentioned that Project University is a story you may have seen before.


IASWAA is a story that's been growing with me since 2011. On Wattpad alone, it's gone through at least two full drafts and a partial of another. Now, it's back. New name, new format, new breath of life. This rendition has revamped characters and plot lines—acknowledging its past, but throwing itself headfirst into its future.

The awesomest part? It's going to be published!

Like, published published. Available on online retailers for purchase. I'm so excited, aaaah!

What's the new name?

I'm tossing around some ideas, but I'm not ready to reveal anything at this time. It'll be going by Project University for now.

What's the new format?

Project University is going to be a serial. This means that it's basically going to be like a TV show, but for books! It'll be written as a series of novellas, all of which contain their own arcs that tie into the overarching plot.

Why a serial?

After watching some videos on YouTube (highly recommend Brittany Wang's channel if you're interested), I was so excited to try my hand at something like this! I love TV. A lot. And the opportunity to try out a different way of storytelling? Yes, please!

Plus, when I thought about it, I realized the original IASWAA had episodic elements (for example, the trip to Massachusetts). So, I decided to give it a shot. And while it's new and scary, it's also so much fun. I hope you end up liking it as much as I do!

What are the differences between this version and the two on Wattpad?

I can't go into specifics, because spoilers, but here are some of the basic differences!

1. Everyone's in college!

2. The story will now be in both Brianne's and Dannon's POVs

3. It'll be told in present tense

4. Some name changes: Stan is now Alexander and Garner is now Bates

5. Some last name changes: Dannon Barone is now Dannon O'Shea, Kyla Strutters is now Kyla Belleau, and Garner Osborne is now Bates Nikolov-Aaronson

6. Garrett lives with his boyfriend, Nick, and they bicker like they're married

There are a lot more changes. Like a lot. But, some of the original architecture—plot points, emotions, relationships—are still there.

I'm SO EXCITED to share this journey with you. If you'd like to stay up-to-date with all things Project University, make sure to sign up for my newsletter! You can find it in the external link on this chapter!

If you have any questions regarding this new version, let me know and I'll do my best to answer!



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