Chapter 8

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A huge smile sprang onto my face as I spotted my favorite little boy in the whole word, Vincent, running toward me, his arms outstretched as wide as they would go.  I crouched down, not at all embarrassed that I had a spot in my heart for him even though Dannon was standing right there.  Sure, I was hard on him and love altogether.  But that didn’t mean I didn’t care about anyone.

“Vince-Vince!” I hollered as I held out my arms, waiting for him to reach me.  Vincent’s cute curly brunette locks of hair flopping on his head as he ran, reminding me of a mop.  His smile let up his whole face as he crashed into me, his small hands clawing at my back.  I grinned, hugging him back. 

“Who’s he?” Vincent demanded, his cheeks puffing out as we pulled apart.  He pointed a suspicious finger in Dannon’s direction.  I glanced at Dannon and suppressed a laugh.  He stared at Vincent’s finger self-consciously, looking thoroughly uncomfortable.  You would think that a popular guy would have more confidence, especially in front of a four-year-old.  But, apparently, Dannon insisted on being different.

“This is the boogie man,” I replied dramatically, deciding to have fun with this.  “Stay away.  He’ll eat you.”

Vincent’s eyes widened.  “No way!” he shrieked, his arms waving in the air frantically.  “I have to go tell Mommy!”

And then he was gone, running up the hill and back to the house.

Suddenly I was weighed down by the sense of a pair of eyes on my back.  I turned slowly to see my mom, her arms crossed irritably over her chest.  Huh.  I’d been under the impression that she and my dad had gone inside, but I guess they were standing there the whole time.  Oops.

“Brianne,” she scolded.  “You know Vincent believes everything!  Now he’s going to be scared of Dannon.”

I glanced at Dannon and stifled a laugh.  “That was the point, Ma,” I muttered under my breath.

“What was that?”

“I said I’m sorry, Ma,” I corrected quickly. 

Kyla giggled at me.  I smiled, beginning my journey up the hill.  Dannon and Kyla followed pursuit, standing on either side of me.  I looked Dannon up and down.  He seemed nervous—more than nervous actually.  He looked like he was going to faint.  I bit my lip to keep from laughing at him.  “You all right?” I teased, nudging his shoulder slightly.

“I’m fine.”

From the tone of his voice I could tell that he was not fine.  He was breathing hard, like the trip of this hill was too difficult for him to handle.  It was like all the energy was being sucked out of him the more we travelled.  I tilted my head to the side.  It couldn’t have been a physical thing.  He was in football.  He was fit.  Was he seriously this nervous about meeting my family? 

“Don’t worry,” I murmured, having the sudden urge to reassure him.  “Well, not that many.  Under thirty anyways.”

Dannon shot me a disbelieving glance.  “What?”

I struggled not to burst into laughter as Dannon stared at me.  His expression was priceless.  “Well,” I began, “my aunt has twelve kids.  Then add her and my two uncles.”

Dannon continued to stare.  “Twelve kids?”

Oh.  So the fact that I had two uncles didn’t call for interest, huh?  “She adopted,” I explained, bringing a hand through my hair.

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