[20] Superstitious

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"like stars on a cloudy night"

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"like stars on a cloudy night"


I sit in my now second home, the library next to Sterling, and I finish reading his report.

"It's good, Sterling, I'm impressed"

But instead of a cocky response he would normally be quick to deliver, he just mumbles a thank you.

I feel his gaze on me, burning into the side of my face, so I turn to him.

A small smile lifts the corners of his lips up.

"Sterling," I start, my voice in a warning tone.

"Laney," he responds.

"I need your attention."

"Love, you always have my attention," he says in such a sincere and honest tone, I barely know how to reply.

So instead I just stare back at him, studying his features, trying to memorize every little detail.

I look into those mysterious eyes of his as they meet mine and travel down my face, stopping at my lips.

Butterflies swirl in my stomach from his action and I feel every inch of myself come alive under his watch.

My cheeks betray me as their now rosy colour brings a smug grin to Sterling's face. He clears his throat and turns back to the papers in front of us, "Back to work, Sweetheart."

We finish in the library and, like always, get into his car so he can drop me off at home.

I open the door and hop out, "Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime, Laney"

Before I close the door and walk away, Sterling continues, "Are you coming to my game tonight?"

I can't help but smirk at the fact that he wants me there, "I wouldn't miss it, darling."


The girls and I decided to all go and watch the guys play, mostly because I didn't want to go alone but also because we wanted to support the boys.

Like usual, I get there early to meet with Sterling so I leave my friends and wander off alone to find him.

"You look good," he pats the pompom on my hat. His words ignite a fire within me and I can't help but grin.

"Thank you, darling, you do too."

"But there's one problem." My smile falls at his words.

He notices and quickly explains what he means, "This jersey. It's Owen's," he spins me around, looking at the letters stitched on spelling 'Pierce' and his number 10.  

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