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SITTING DOWN on the couch, and writing her gay heart away, Marilyn brought Jessie a cup of coffee, "you've been up all night," Marilyn said.

Jessie yawned and stretched her arms. Seeing Marilyn's face was the best distraction. Her eyes had been glued to her notebook for hours, "just writing," Jessie accepted the cup of coffee, including a kiss on the lips, "how was your sleep?" Jessie asked.

Marilyn sat down beside Jessie, and leaned against her. She pressed her lips against the side of Jessie's neck, and allowed her nose to linger on the scent of concentration, "would've been better with you. You know it's hard for me to fall asleep without the sound of your snoring."

"I don't snore," Jessie giggled, as Marilyn began to sprinkle butterfly kisses all over her neck, "that tickles, baby."

"Baby, huh?" Marilyn teased.

Jessie blushed and wrapped her arms around Marilyn's neck, "I need another notebook. My story's going to be longer than I intended," Jessie said.

Marilyn tucked Jessie's hair behind her ear, and kissed her jawline, "you're writing a lot lately. Is it your romance book?" Marilyn ran her hand over Jessie's back, "it isn't about me, is it?"

Jessie pursed her lips and shrugged, "you'll have to read to find out, won't you?"

"Fine, I'm just glad you're writing again," Marilyn kissed her lips.

"Me too, baby," Jessie giggled, "Marilyn," Jessie sighed and titled her head to the side, "I love you," Marilyn's heart stopped for a moment, "I know we've just started dating, but I probably fell for you long before that. And I know you might not feel the same way, but I just wanted you to know that I do."

Marilyn kissed Jessie's forehead, "I love you too, Jess. Probably since the day you set foot into my office with these long, sexy legs of yours," Marilyn ran her hand along the length of Jessie's right leg.

"You're not saying that you only love me for my legs for miles, right?" Jessie's skin tingled. Marilyn felt the same way, and it was probably one of the best feelings in the world.

"Of course not, I love you for so many other things too," Marilyn grinned, "you're the full package, Miss Nightingale."

Jessie hummed and leaned against Marilyn's shoulder. She enjoyed the warmth of the woman next to her, relishing the peace that she'd found in her heart, "my dad's birthday is tomorrow, will you come with me? Carrie can't make it, but Amelia will be there. You'll get to meet her, my dad and my mom," Jessie still had trouble getting over everything concerning her mother. But keeping malice in her heart wouldn't do her any good, as her therapist had said.

"Are you sure? I know you're not into the whole PDA and stuff."

"What's PDA got to do with me introducing you to my family?"

Marilyn shrugged, "you've never done it before. I'm just nervous," Jessie bit her bottom lip, "I'm your first serious relationship. I'm just worried what they'll think of me," Marilyn explained.

"You know my mom already loves the ground you walk on, Doctor Isles. And my dad, he'll be pleased to know that I'm joining alliances with the enemy, don't you think?" As long as he can get over the fact that you're a woman.

"The enemy?"

Jessie slipped her hands beneath Marilyn's shirt, and cupped her breasts, "the wicked witch of medicine," Jessie teased and squeezed Marilyn's breasts, "evil, wicked, or bitch, I love you, Marilyn Isles."

Marilyn smiled, "I love you, Jessie Nightingale."

THE DAY Jessie published her romance novel, was the day that she'd dedicated her book to someone other than her daughter. Marilyn was the major inspiration who made every word possible. And even though each page was scented with their love, Lily would always have a place in it, "Jess, I've got something for you," Marilyn revealed what was in her hand, and Jessie immediately smiled.

"You're obsessed with these," Jessie grabbed it out of Marilyn's hand, and opened it, "you've upgraded to the flavored ones now?"

Pretzels. Marilyn stuffed her hand into the bag, "I thought we'd try something different," she kissed Jessie's lips, "I'm going to miss you when you're on your tour."

"Trust me, I'll miss you more. I'll be back before you know it though," Jessie assured. Marilyn sighed and pulled Jessie closer, "you think she's up there?" Jessie looked into the sky, wondering if heaven truly existed.

"I do. I bet she's happy that you're happy, don't you think?"

"I hope she's happy too," Jessie had finally set roots. She'd found someone to share her life with, in the good times and the bad. And their relationship still had many steps to take. They'd moved in together, and marriage was a topic that they'd discussed. But that wasn't in the cards just yet. Everything would happen at the right time, and no matter the difficulty, they'd hopefully, always be together.


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