Chapter four {Auction}

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Pov Ash~

I was brought out onto a stage I was the only one left I guess because youngest go last right?

Lia had been brought I just hope that she will be okay and we will meet again i guess she thought the same as I saw her look down where she was with her new master sad.

The owner val began to speak.

"Age 19 the youngest pet to ever live in this pet shop"

Wow really I set a record mum

Wait your dead that's depressing.

"Hight 5'5 eye colour emerald green blood type o positive"

Damn I think that got a bunch of vampires excited just by saying that

"Biding will began at 300,000"

Only 300,000?

Alright whatever.

I looked around at all the vampires staring at me some look at me with curious stares some I think was just wanting my blood which they wasn't having.

I continued looking around the room seeing what vampires where Bidding on me or not.

"Sold to lord Dreven for 1.4 million"

Now that's more like it.

Wait who the fuck would spend that on a pet there gonna to kill at some point my god spend it on KFC give into spending money on fast food.

I was taking to the back to meet my new leech master my lesh being tugged to the back on the stage.

As I got there I saw lord leech.
Not bad looking I must say

He had white hair  deep crimson red eyes and was wearing a black west coat and jacket with a black tie with a royal red pattern on it.

"Hmm bring her here".

The pet owner did what he asked and handed my lesh over to lord leech.

He grabed my chin looking at my face

"Hmm no cuts that's good I don't like my things broken I'm sure you have learnt that by now val?"

"Y-y-yes lord D-dreven" he mumbled sturring as he said it I wanted to laugh but didn't but what a loser.

He waved his hand and owner leech left damn he must have a high vampire status.

He took of my collar and put a pink one with pink lace and pink bows and a bell on it.

I had that feeling when you didn't want anyone else to see you even though the only people i know is lia my sister and lord leech.

He attached a pink lesh to it he waved for an employee to come over.

"Here's my black card be quick" the employee ran off to quickly to go get the money.

He grabed my chin once again

"Where going to have so much fun pet"

I had a big lump at the back of my throat I gulped.

The employee came back with his black card and he put it back in his coat.

He gentle took my lesh as we walked outside the shop there was a limo I think waiting outside for him he opens the door to let me in as I sat down he shut the door and then he unclipped my lesh.

He pressed a button telling the driver to start driving to god knows where.

And a widow went up separate the driver and us.

"Well pet this will be along drive so come lay down on my lap"

Is lord leech joking doesn't vampires hate humans touching them I think I got a defective leech.

With that he put my head down onto his lap I didn't want to sleep I felt uneasy being on a leeches lap expecially lord leechly.

I yawned come on ash don't fall asleep..

I closed my eyes.

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