Chapter 43

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Mum didn't need to ask what happened when she got home. She already knew just by looking at me. It didn't take a genius to figure out I was upset.

But she didn't say anything. She helped me off the floor and to my room, leaving me alone to sleep, even though I didn't get a minute of rest.

Having sleepless nights just seemed to be normal for me now. 

Even though my brain begged for sleep and my eyelids were heavy, I couldn't fall asleep. Instead, I sat on my bed crying, thinking about everything that had gone wrong. How I could have changed things if I had been more careful.

By the time the sun started to shine through my window, I was sure my eyes were puffy and red. I didn't even leave my room until the afternoon.

No matter how much I would love to sit in my room and cry, I was thirsty.

As soon as I opened my door, a delicious smell wafted into my room. I made my way to the kitchen and saw my mum cooking by the stove.

She looked over her shoulder and smiled. "Morning."

I nodded quietly. I couldn't find the energy to smile back.

"I'm making some pancakes. How many do you want?" She asked.

"None, thanks." My voice was hoarse from all of the crying, and my mum gave me a sad look.

"Don't you think you should eat something?"

I shook my head plainly. I didn't feel like talking right now. Or ever.

I walked past her and grabbed a glass, filling it with water.

Turning around to leave, I only made it a few steps before I noticed something.

Near the counter by my mum, the flowers Louis gave me stood tall in a vase.

Mum noticed my sudden stillness and followed my gaze, whipping her head back.

"I'm sorry, I just thought that it would be better if they were in a vase," she explained quickly, looking at me like I was about to burst into tears.

But I didn't. I was too dehydrated. That's what the water was for.

I shook my head hesitantly. "No, it's fine."

My throat felt closed up and it was hard to talk. My eyes were stuck on the purple and white flowers.

It really was over, wasn't it?

Tears welled up in my eyes again, and I left. Mum tried to talk to me, but it was blocked out by the buzzing of my brain.

 The door slammed behind me and the tears finally fell.

I didn't make it to my bed and just slid against the locked door. This was happening too much lately.

I just hoped Louis was handling it better.

Louis POV

Everything was shit.

The whole world could be hurtled at a black hole and I would not care.

Because apparently, Ava was the same as everyone else.

A greedy, manipulative witch.

As soon as she got the money, she left me. She never wanted me. If she wanted me, she would have stayed.

She couldn't even wait a day before she broke it off. She made her intentions perfectly clear.

The guards were shocked when they saw me storm through the doors.

I didn't stop to get anything from the kitchen. I was going to make dinner with Ava, but I had lost my appetite.

I headed straight to my room, not even waiting until the door closed before I threw my jacket against the wall.

I felt like such a child sitting on my bed, feeling angry at a girl. These were teenage things to be upset about.

There was a knock at the door. I was about to yell for them to go away, but the door opened before I could.

"Hey, Louis," mother walked into the room hesitantly, closing the door soundlessly behind her.

"Please leave, mother."



"No, Louis. I am your mother, and I care about you. And if you are in pain, I want to help."

"I don't want to talk about it."

She walked over to me slowly and sat on the space next to me.

"Son, I love you, you know that. If you're upset, I want to support you. Please tell me what's wrong."

I stayed quiet for a few seconds, before I let out a sigh. "We're done."

"You and Ava?" She asked inquisitively.

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously. I didn't have a woman on the side."

"But," she hesitated, "why?"

I leaned over, my elbows on my knees. "She ended things as soon as she got a cheque."

"Are you sure there wasn't another reason?"

I scoffed. "Yes, I'm sure."

She sighed. "Louis, maybe you should go talk to her-"

"I am not going to go back there when she ended it. I'm not going to force her to talk to me. And I certainly don't want to talk to her."


"Well, I do want to talk to her, but I can't. We're over. I can't talk to her anymore."

I stood up. "Louis-"

"I can't talk to her, it doesn't matter if I want to." I started to pace and tugged on my hair.

"I loved her. I love her. But she doesn't love me. I don't know what I could have done for her to want to end it, but maybe she truly did just want money. Maybe that was all she wanted in the first place."

My mother was still trying to get my attention, but I was too far gone.

"She used to care about me. I had a future with her, but now it's all over."

My throat started to close and I struggled to breathe, and my eyes started to blur.

"I can't, mum, I..." My throat was too sore to finish the sentence and I pulled my hair. More and more tears built up and I struggled to get a breath.

"Oh, Louis..." She mumbled and opened her arms, and I didn't waste a moment. I launched into her arms and let it all out.

It felt like it had been years since the last time I had cried, and everything that had been built-up over the years was finally being let out.

She whispered comforting words as I sobbed, holding onto her for support.

It was really over. The first woman I had truly loved left me. And she took everything with her.

My heart, my sanity, everything.

How was I supposed to go on without those things? Without her?

"Louis," my mother murmured, rubbing my back softly. "I know it must hurt. I can't imagine it's easy losing the one you love, but you'll get through this."

"I don't know if I can," I sniffed before clearing my throat. "She was everything to me."

"She still is. But over time, you'll move on."

The words she said made sense, but I knew it wouldn't happen.

A woman like Ava I wouldn't be able to forget.

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