Little Child(ren) - The Beatles (platonic)

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Similar to the "I Need You" chapter. 

Of course, this is just for fun. It's probably gonna be cringey later on, but oh well.



This was a baffling situation, because now, the Fab Four were children. How this happened? Nobody knew for sure. They'd asked everyone from the crew to not come in today.

But things were already tense enough as they were. 

"Macca, I don't want to do anything right now! We can't!" John whined as he stamped his foot down.

"Well, let's think. How old are we all now?" Paul reasoned, guessing ages. "I must be around 6-years-old, making George around 4-years-old , and you and Rings maybe 8-year-olds."


"Oh, yes, so everyone will love a new album recorded by babies!" John snapped. 

"John, come on. You don't wanna think like that. Besides, whatever this is, it isn't permanent. Nothing is." Ringo mentioned, trying to keep the peace.

George seemed quite hurt by the rhythm guitarist's comment, and started to look upset. He had no idea why he was so sensitive.

Ringo noticed George and gave him a hug, always very good at seeing body language, since, well, he had to as a drummer.


The youngest nodded gratefully, accepting the embrace slowly.

"I think we can still try to play our instruments!" Paul cheerfully said, as a workaholic and an  optimist. 

"No harm in trying, yeah." George agreed, though on the inside, he felt rather discouraged. This was a time being the youngest did not pay off.

They tried to play a few songs, George struggling and John being pessimistic. Ringo didn't have a problem at first, he could still reach the kick drum and all that.


But it was starting to prove tiring for the blue-eyed boy, and he struggled to hit the ride and crash cymbals, "I just want to play me drums!" He cried out, causing the others to look over curiously.

None of them were used to outbursts from the oldest. It was shocking.

"Maybe if you stand whilst playing, it'll get you closer." Paul suggested. But honestly, he was struggling a bit to play bass, as it needed longer finger movements.

Ringo pulled his throne closer to the kick drum, though it meant less leg room, but at the least it helped reach the cymbals better.


"Maybe we should just give up, it wouldn't do harm to take one day off, right?" George asked quietly, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Yeah, it wouldn't. Let's do that." John was quick to agree for once.

Paul just shrugged, he couldn't play bass, so he figured it was true. And with their voices higher, how would they sing? Surely people will have noticed the difference. 

This annoyed the bassist a little, but he was aware of his bossy attitude and eventually nodded in agreement.


"Maybe we should just relax here." John said a bit lazily. He didn't feel like arguing with his mates.

"You're right. Hey, Geo-" Paul started, but stopped when he saw the guitarist sleeping on the floor, curled up like a cat.

George was exhausted the past few weeks already, and once Paul agreed they'd take a day off, he found that as the perfect moment to get much-needed rest.

"He fell asleep fast," Paul whispered with a smile. When Ringo and John shrugged, he frowned.


The bassist set down his instrument, looking around the room in a bored manner, stamping his foot now.

With his new childlike mindset, Paul was easily not entertained and also a bit grumpy. He wanted to get work done!

Ringo went over to the sleeping guitarist and picked him up effortlessly, setting him down on a sofa in the mixing booth.

When he returned, the drummer noticed how upset his hazel-eyed friend appeared.


"Hey, Paul, what's wrong?" Ringo asked softly, glancing at him then to John, who was mindlessly staring at some lyrics and scribbling a few down.

"I don't know, Richie. I'm just upset that we can't play, I guess. Except for you and Lenny." He used a childish sounding structure for his words.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm sure it'll be all right soon. Whatever got us like this must happen again, because what goes up must come down." Ringo assured Paul, sounding a little funny.

The second youngest hummed in agreement, wiping tears from his eyes.


Soon enough, he calmed down and Ringo went to reading some lyrics, remembering what the drums would be like since they'd previously rehearsed some of these songs.

As Paul was about to talk to John, there was suddenly their new music that played out of nowhere.

The three of them looked over to the mixing booth, and saw George leaning on it, still asleep.

Being the oldest, he felt most responsible for everyone, Ringo hurried over and gently but quickly pulled George away and turned off the song.


George wouldn't let go of him, though, so Ringo walked over to the instrument area, sat down on the ground and stayed there with the boy on his lap. 

"He must've been sleepwalking." Paul said to the rhythm guitarist.

"Creme tangerine.. Pineapple heart.." George sang quietly.

"He sleep talks too, that or he's gone mad." John seemed serious, but couldn't help but giggle.


"Shush, you might wake him." Ringo scolded like a mum.

"Well, he slept through the loudest noise." John defended himself, as George began to awake.

George soon realised he was hugging the drummer and let go once he was conscious enough, apologising.

"It's okay, I don't mind." The oldest flashed a smile.


"I had such a strange dream." George mumbled.

"I'll say," Ringo agreed as he noticed something; his voice was back to its low pitch.

When the drummer looked around again, he saw everyone was back to adults.

He felt movement from somewhere, and a faint sound of crashing cymbals, and he saw Paul suddenly at the drums. 


Ringo shot up from his seat, suddenly aware that he had fell into a dream.

Paul was actually playing the piano, and John was instead at the drums, which was quite loud since Ringo was at the throne. 

George only had been lightly tapping his friend's shoulder, but stopped when the older guitarist hit the cymbals.

"John, you're gonna give me a headache or something." Ringo complained.


"You fell asleep, Rich, we had to get you back up. We have songs to record." John finally stopped being so loud.

"Right, what were we playing?" 

"Let It Be." John answered with a mocking tone. Paul always made them perfect his songs.

Ringo simply nodded and went back to playing, contemplating that odd dream he had.


word count: 1,038

✨ Oneshots ✨जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें