4. Poison on the Lips

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Sarah - "I feel the shadow casted upon me with my dad's face on it. I deserve to be here afterall I killed my dad."

Damon - "We all are victims and culprits of our own lives. But that doesn't mean getting punished for the sins we didn't commit."

Sarah - "But murders did happen... I commited one and someone else did too. Why both get to treat differently."

Damon - "Not every death is a murder. We make murder and It only matters to us. Not every killing is a murder, so not every killer should be punished."

Sarah - "I think... Blake is right. I'd loose my mind here if I didn't accepted their treatment."

Damon - "You are not going crazy so You do not need any treatment. This institute is for people who already lost their minds.. but they accepted it. So as long as you can keep your truth loud, There'll be no torture no punishment. You are still in care and shallow punishment. And I'll find the truth! So it's best that when you feel strain, keep your mouth shut."

Sarah - "Why do you trust me?"

[Damon looks at her straight in the eyes from the glass and speaks with smack of his lips]

Damon - "I don't trust you because there's something I know... I just want to. I know, It'll break my heart to know that I was wrong but if I abandon this trust right now... Then I'll regret it."

Two weeks later
Ivy's Office -

Ivy - "She didn't accepted the murders, doesn't mean we can release her. There's need to be a replacement... The truth or the sacrifice; What will you choose, Damon"

Damon - "My choice will be on table, when the time comes."

Ivy - "I like that you are getting more confident.. now what about our Devil in the house."

Damon - "I am working on it..."

Ivy - "Three families are dead, I already told you that you need to open yourself. Tell me, did you see yourself killing those people?"

Damon - "I do!"

Ivy - "Then you should be able to know the killer's thoughts... Not just feelings."

Damon - "I am not a killer, neither do I want to get in their head."

Ivy - "I understand your fear. Fear comes with what you see, It's a punishment to your imagination."

Damon - "Going to far to loose your way back is not the right decision."

Ivy - "Getting inside someone's head is nothing but your tool. And as any tool, it has two ends. It's up to you to balance that. If you wanna save people then there's no other way than walking a tightrope."

Next Day
Richardson house-

"The darkness was falling upon the land as I entered in the house... The pin drop silence was everywhere but something was growling in my ears. I went to the kids room first... The breathing sounds crawls into my ears. I take the blade in my hand and cuts both of their throats. Without a single squeal white sheets turns red. I leave them there and goes to parents room. I do the same to the parents as the kids. A cut with my blade on same place while they were asleep deeply. Then I bring the kids in same room, place them inbetween both the parents... I cut a smile on everyone's face and nails their hands together. After striking the whole room with their blood... I took a picture of them."

Damon - "[talking to himself] There's something I am missing here. He didn't killed these families for nothing. The only common part is that all of them stays outside the main city. That gives him enough time to do his work and admire it. His footprints tells us that He leaves his clothes and go away naked bathed in blood. All I feel is fear here... There's more to the story than just killing."

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