Bonus Chapter: Leanne's Past Part Two

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Revenge for my broken heart lingers in my blood, vibrates through my bones. Every time I look at my sister, I want to kill her. I have murderous dreams, my hands wrapping around her throat, hearing the satisfying snap of her neck. My favourite is the one in which I take a silver dagger and skin her alive, enjoying the blood that drips down her blade. Every morning when I wake up I feel a pleasurable shiver down my spine. 

However, she doesn't deserve an easy death. She deserves to suffer, I want her to wallow in her pain. I want to see everyday for the rest of my life. I want to taste the pain in her tears. I want her to be as miserable as me. She stole the person I loved, she stole my future away from me. Sometimes I would almost see Kieron in my room. His smile would be cocky but his eyes were filled with hate and a coldness that made me shiver. I could almost feel his warm breath cascade down my neck as he whispered words telling me to avenge his death. 

No longer was my life filled with the hope of having an empire with my true love for my sister and my mate had ruined my future. I could imagine Kieron rolling around in his grave at the betrayal of his Queen and brother. The Queen had slept with his brother and the brother had crumbled his empire at the snap of his fingers. 

It was that night that I realised my sister would know who were mate was, I knew then and there that I needed to ruin her chance of happiness. For her mate would offer that to her if I did not intervene. My sister didn't speak with boys or flirt with them. She was waiting for her mate but fortunately due to some rumours, I had managed to redirect the ugly truth of my life to her. She never said anything, she didn't seem bothered. No matter what I said or did. No matter what my parents screamed at her. She just took it on the chin and ignored it. It only made me clench my fists tighter. 

I remember when that little brat that got my sister killed ran up to me hugged me tightly. She told me that I had saved her from the rouge. All I wanted to do was rip her from my legs and rip her to shreds, but alas I had an image to uphold. So I plastered on a fake smile and told her that it was my pleasure. From that moment, I cemented my high standing in the pack. It was then that I caught the eye of Alpha Jacob. 

At first I indulged him, I enjoyed his affections, his attentions. It was similar to what Kieron gave me but he didn't have a bad bone in his body. He was too good, too pure. For like my sister, he was waiting for his mate. Internally I was scoffing at him, laughing at his innocence, but I enjoyed the attention. I flourished in the envious looks from pack members, for i had the big bad Alpha wrapped around my little finger. 

It wasn't until I secretly sought my sister's diary, that a big smile curved on my lips. There it revealed that the Alpha who longed and lusted after me, was my sister's mate. A dark chuckle escaped my lips for I knew that the Alpha's birthday wasn't for another three months. It was then that I planned to drive the final nail in my sister's coffin and seduce the Alpha into being my lover, my boyfriend, my husband. I would steal her life away. 

It was then that I coxed Jacob into falling in love with me. I manipulated him into thinking I was the most pure and innocent she-wolf their was. I lied to him about my worries for my twin who was nothing but a traitor to the pack, that she was a huge whore that slept her way through the pack. His eyes would become angry at my words, for I knew deep down his wolf had already sensed that she was possibly his mate, but I wouldn't let him get in the way of my plans for revenge. 

The wolf may come to hate me but I made damn sure that the human hated Louise. I remember when he asked me about my mate, I told him that he was dead. I channeled my emotions, the ones I kept under lock and key when I thought about Kieron. I cried and he comforted me, I made him make promises to me that he wouldn't leave me otherwise I would be on my own for the rest of my life. 

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