The Beauty and The Rouge

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I stomped my way through the thick forest bushes. This was probably the only place which seemed to be gleaming with life. My anger was simmering and I could do nothing but feel the rage continue to boil. I shook my head in disappointment at the woman who birthed me. How can she ask me to have any sympathy for the woman who ruined my life. My mother is acting like I somehow ruined Leanne's life. Honestly, I always knew she favoured my sister but never to a point where she would be okay with her attempting to murder me. 

As much as I wanted to be there for Benji's introduction, I needed to get away. I felt suffocated in this place, nothing but bad memories surfaced to my mind. I struggled to remember the good times, they were blanketed with mistreatment and neglect from both my parents and my mate. I felt my wedge get stuck in the mud and its then that I let out a huge exhale. I bent down and unstrapped my wedges and continued my walk through the forest bare foot. 

It wasn't long until I came to a small clearing by the river. The river that was once filled with life and fish was now drained and dull. The water was running low and all that you could see was small trickles of water flow along its path. What happened to this place? This place used to be so beautiful, filled with wildflowers and green grass. Now the land was desolate and dried up. I plumped myself down on the hard ground and tried to enjoy the remaining moments of the sunset. 

The sky was orange with pinkish hues, the sun was slowly disappearing into the skyline. I always enjoyed the sunset and sunrise, whether I was here or in New York. It always reminded me that no matter what happened the world keeps spinning round. Nothing stops for your pain. I closed my eyes, enjoying the subtle breeze that was caressing my skin. 

"It's like I've gone back in time." A deep baritone voice drifts to my ears. I snap my eyes open. 

There stood a tall man, his skin was tanned as if it was kissed by the sun. His black hair was styled as if he just got out of bed, his jaw was sharp but chiselled which was adorned with light facial hair. He had the whole scruffy handsome look down to a point. His eyes were a deep hazel colour and no matter how much I wanted to pull my gaze away from him I couldn't. I was enchanted by him. His muscles were bulging, his thighs were wide and strong. His aura dripped confidence and oozed power. 

"Do I know you?" I hummed in amusement. I sniffed the air and it was then that I recognised that his scent didn't belong to a pack, he was a rouge. As much as packs feared rouges, I knew better considering I was one myself. 

"You should know your mate." He growled out. I could see the anger in his eyes burn from my words.

So this was my sister's mate. Honestly, I didn't see what she had to complain, he was simply delicious. He didn't seem dangerous, but then again I was a terrible judge of character. 

"Ah you must be talking about my sister." I said with my eyes closed as I tilted my face upwards, enjoying the last few moments of the sun. 

"Sister? Leanne don't play me for a fool like you have done all these years." He replied angrily. 

"Sorry to disappoint you, but you are talking about my twin sister. I'm Louise, well I go by Loretta now." I respond with a shrug of my shoulders. 

"Stop lying to me! That's all you have ever done to me! Is lie and cheat! What did I do to deserve this Leanne! You got our son killed!" He shouted. 

I peeked my eye open, his son? I thought it was Jacob's son. I shook my head in disgust at the games my sister has played. What is it with her and trying to ruin people's lives? "Listen, I am her twin sister Loretta, sniff me, touch me and you will soon see that I am not Leanne. Just because I look like that bitch does not mean I am her." I snarl at him. 

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