Chapter Nine: Wipe Your Tears.

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After putting the phone down, Rudy threw her cigarette to the ground, clenching her teeth as she exhaled deeply while tears rolled down her face. Leaning against the broken-bricked wall of the alleyway, her bottom lip trembled, letting out a whimper. Soon, her tears were accompanied by rain, almost as though the sky was taking time to mourn alongside the girl. Exhaling loudly, coming out of her mouth almost as a feral shriek, she grasped her hair. Tired eyes ached from emotion, while the woman gasped for air, her chest heaving in an attempt to stop her from falling into a discombobulated frenzy. Hidden in the shadows of secrecy, her mind wandered to the truth of her intent through the entirety of the past weeks with Rin- even months of knowing the blue-haired beauty. Despite claiming to be confident and being outstanding towards the view of the public eye, inwardly she was met with a tangled knot of emotions she had neglected. As her eyes slowly opened with her clothing being drenched by the rain, her shoulders only slugged further down until she stood erect as a blossoming rose finally getting a drink of water. It was from the tears that the Lords had cried from above that they blessed her with the realisation that for the first time in her life. She didn't know what she could do in this situation.

Rin awoke when she felt the bed dip at the side of her. Almond eyes sleepy, she turned from off of her side to face Rudy. Pulling the duvet over her slowly with a trembling hand, Rin proceeded to watch only for a sniffle from the woman to set off the sirens in her heart. Placing a hand on Rudy's shoulder, she nudged her causing the other to jump. With her lips forming into a frown, Rin attempted to examine the girl's face using the obscured light from the moon to do so. "Angel, what's wrong?" Her only intent was to comfort the whimpering other, yet it had the opposite effect as the woman let out a pitiful sob, burying her face into the covers that laid over Rin's lap. Sitting as still as a statue, Rin peered down at her lap, the feeling of the latter's chest against the side of her thigh enough to chip away at her heart with each sharp inhale.
"I- I'm sorry," Rudy croaked into the sheets while Rin sat wide-eyed, her hand hovering above the woman's head, unsure as to whether or not brushing her hands through her fluffy hair would cause the girl to fall into a deeper pit of emotion.
"Angel, look at me," the blue-haired girl whispered. Rudy slowly lifted her head from the sheets, teary-eyed almost shrinking at the gentle gaze staring at her, "why are you sorry? You haven't done anything wrong." Rin whispered, her tattooed hands gently taking hold of her head, using the pads of her thumbs to wipe away the stream of tears that had fallen. Yet, with those words, Rudy's eyes flooded with more as she screwed her eyes shut, shaking her head, "did you have a bad dream?" Rin asked. Inhaling deeply, pursing her lips, Rudy didn't bother to muster up an answer, nodding her head at the girl. She sat up properly, tackling the latter into a tight hug, causing the pair to fall backwards, Rin's head hitting the plush pillow behind her. Wrapping her arms around the trembling girl, she quietly shushed her. Resting her head on the blue-haired girl's shoulder, the scent of tulips became almost overwhelming, stinging the back of her throat.
"I'm sorry," Rudy croaked, a small laugh passing the other's lips as she shook her head, tightening her hold on the other.
"Why are you apologising, silly? You can't help when you have bad dreams or not," she quietly spoke, "you should have woke me up," she scolded, Rudy shaking her head, exhaling as her laboured breathing began to calm down,
"Y- You couldn't have done anything," she dryly spoke, the other humming,
"Doesn't mean I wouldn't have tried to make things better."

That night, Rin barely slept, every time her eyes closed, they immediately reopened. Her eyes glued to the sleeping girl who laid on top of her, still keeping a tight grasp on Rin- almost suffocating. Her heart hurt seeing the girl in a state as such. To Rin, Rudy was undeserving of any demons that came her way. She ignored the fact that an angel could simply be one that had fallen from the heavens and was cursed with a secret that even she herself could not protect the latter from.

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