Chapter 60- Together

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Amara Calvetti

"I wondered how long it would take for you to come for me. Honestly, I thought you would be faster. I am a little disappointed. I thought I raised you better." Alessandro's voice greets us as we enter the room.

He is sitting on his leather chair at the enormous mahogany table, Los Angeles' skyline shining behind him in all its glory and pride as I walk in with the white silk covering my skin, begging to be inked by his blood.

"I am sorry. We were busy, if you believe it or not some of us actually work and don't sit at their lazy ass all day trying to command people they don't have power over." Adriano says, flashing a hateful smile at the person he despises so much.

"Funny, I guess I do have power over them considering they blew 24 buildings up for me and killed all the people you two care about." He replies, having a dirty grin on his face as he travels his disgusting eyes over my body.

Oh, look as much as you want soon you will see anything anymore but hell's flames.

"Well, that's the past. Soon they will just spit on your grave and laugh their asses off for even thinking you could do shit even though you are a pathetic excuse of a trashy little insecure man." I say, with a playful pout on my lips, giving him innocent eyes as I sit in the chair in front of the table, looking directly at him. Adriano stands next to me, his hand laying on my back.

He glares at me the fist that is laying on the table clenching tighter.

"Naww. Have I hit a soft spot. I am so so sorry for hurting you. I didn't know your ego is so fragile." I coo as I reach out for his hand.

He immediately grabs my arm and twists around. I let out a shriek but before Adriano can do anything against this I give him a look that says "Don't you dare to go between me and him. Not now."

I can hear the crack in my arm but instead of screaming or crying I hold everything inside me together and try to fight against the pain. His fingers dig into my flesh and I can feel him bruising my skin with his entire strength.

I force a grin on my face and act like my body wouldn't revolt against the valuation.

I take my other hand and grab onto his, twisting it around so he has to let go of mine.

He lets out a low groan and rubs his arm, glaring dagger into me before his angry expression turns into a smirk

"Oh, son. I saw that little silent conversation between you two. Didn't I teach you that you shouldn't fall in love? Feelings make you weak." He says, traveling his eyes back and forth between me and Adriano.

"You are not my fucking father."

"You are right. My son wouldn't be such a fucking piece of shit... my biggest mistake was not drowning you as soon as I noticed what a failure you are but what can I say... I thought there would be hope." He says, leaning back in his chair.

I look to Adriano but he doesn't flinch.

He doesn't react.

No anger, no sadness, nothing.

He gives him nothing.

Exactly what he deserves.

"Oh, sweetheart. The biggest mistake you ever made was crawling out of your dad's sack."

"I am sorry? I didn't think I was talking to you, whore. By the way... was I right? She is a whore like her mother."

That makes Adriano step closer.

"You know what I think? You are just jealous. I have done my research before I came here. I always found it weird that you had such an obsession with Amara and her mother but when you did what you did I realized that you didn't only do this because of Ivanov. That wouldn't make sense considering you rotted out the entire Thorne family. No, you did that because you were jealous. You were in love with Celeste and you couldn't stand it anymore for her to be with Grayson. Funny, my entire life and even a couple of moments ago you told me how weak I am for the smallest feelings but you killed thousands only for you to feel a little better about her not wanting you."

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