60 | White Aster

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   Everything — from the masculine voice, that piercing gaze, his strength, and the towering figure he had become — differed from Daniel's child self. His demeanour was akin to that of a lone wolf, majestic yet mysterious - in a way. She wondered why he was walking around concealed by a dark shroud, when no one even knew of his true identity.

"So you do remember me." Daniel seemed rather pleased after she greeted him, his eyes fixated on her. He remained unsmiling; the prince wasn't exactly the type to wear his heart on his sleeve. It made him all the more difficult to read.

Irene could feel her heart racing in an uncomfortable panic, unsure of how to react in this situation. It was starting to become a little bit intimidating when he looked so serious. "W-Well, you are the first prince. Forgetting my first encounter with you would be rather odd, wouldn't it?"

Daniel averted his gaze, his mind trailing elsewhere for a moment. Technically, you did forget me the first time.

But I guess I'll keep that to myself for now.

Irene surveyed him for a moment, still amazed by this second encounter. So many things about him felt different to what she had expected. She remembered the way Daniel appeared so vulnerable and dissatisfied with his weaknesses when they first met. But the look in his eyes betrayed not a hint of his previous troubles.

In fact, he had a rather intimidating, steely visage. Unlike Mikael, who's features were easy on the eyes and retained a sense of youthful innocence, similar to that of a porcelain doll — Daniel had a sharp, ruggedly handsome aura about him.

Even though he was young, he had been through a lot to get to where he was now. The character development for the first prince seemed to have paid off for him.

Although, I can't help but wonder... She thought, pursing her lips. Whether or not he's the same Daniel I wrote about.

There was a rather awkward moment of silence - considering the two were less than acquainted. Both had a lot of things they wished to say, but couldn't seem to find the right words.

Daniel must have noticed the silence was starting to make her uncomfortable, since he spoke up again. "In any case, what brings you here, Princess Irene?"

She flinched, the moment her name resounded from his lips. Albeit a simple deduction, Irene didn't expect the prince to learn her identity so fast. How he found out, she had no idea — but a noble had all sorts of ways of finding information.

"I'm here shopping with my mother, Your Highness," she heaved a sigh. "We're trying to find new clothes for the ball you didn't give us time to prepare for."

Daniel's expression remained as stoic as before, eyelids half-mast as he gazed down at the young woman in front of him. He seemed amused by her response and confident attitude, the edges of his lips curving upwards ever so slightly.

"Is that so? In that case," Daniel gently reached his hand into a small pouch hanging from the belt around his waist, and Irene blinked in confusion for a moment. It was then he drew forth a folded piece of cloth; an intricately embroidered handkerchief. Sewn meticulously at one of the corners with a rare, silken threading, was the crest of Laydel's royal family.

A symbol of a crown, surrounded by five stars and a single flower.

"Take this, and show it to the merchants at the red booth in the town square. They'll give you some fine-quality fabrics."

Irene stared at the cloth in his hand for a moment, hesitating whether to receive it or not. She was rather taken aback by his offer, especially considering the hidden meanings behind being given a person's handkerchief.

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