07 | Newborn

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   "So, my lord. Should we increase the amount of soldiers around Glucal Village? It seems the empire of Izadel has been plotting to use it as an entry point to invade Laydel." A young soldier, situated on the plush sofa of Rudien's office, asked the duke opposite him.


They were in the middle of an important discussion, regarding the protection of Laydel and the distribution of soldiers bordering the towns.

Rudien sighed softly, crossing his legs as he gazed at the papers in his slender right hand. Strands of silver hair fell over his deep, ruby pools for eyes, as he pulled up the puffed white sleeve of his loose shirt.


"No - the amount of soldiers we've stationed there are enough. They're from my first division, so they aren't incompetent," Rudien spoke in a calm, instructive manner. "Instead, have the Wolves inspect the northern area between Glucal and Izadel. If they find any oncoming threats, they can alert the knights days before the enemy hits."


"Yes, Lord Cherliann," the knight took the paper Rudien handed back to him, but his attention soon drifted to the scene behind the calm, clever duke. "Also... If I may ask..."

Gosh, this is so embarrassing. Irene thought, shaking her little rattle toy as she sat at in the corner of the room, playing with her new assortment of toys. From giant, plush teddy bears to little rattle toys and dolls - decorated in the brightest pinks and blues and yellows. Irene wouldn't have been surprised if the duke bought out the whole shop.

And although he was in the middle of an important meeting, Rudien insisted on keeping his daughter in the room. Even when she made disruptive noises with her new toy, he was unfazed. As though it was the most natural thing ever, to have a little baby playing in the corner of her father's office whilst discussing military matters.

And that father being — the most dangerous man alive in the empire.

"Hm? What is it now, Jenson?"

The knight blinked, making a rather awkward eye contact with Irene, who simply pretended to occupy herself with her toys. I need to act cute, like a mindless baby! It seems he's suspecting me...

And while wearing a bright, cherubic smile, baby Irene approached a large, plush-white teddy bear with ruby eyes — which sort of looked like Rudien. She lifted her arms up and basked in its soft fluff, while happily giggling. "Dada!" She called out, and the knight couldn't help but find the sight adorable.

"Ah- actually, never mind." Jenson smiled sheepishly. The little miss is so cute. Let me not question her presence, it feels rewarding for her to be here!

On the other hand, Rudien was glaring daggers in the direction of his daughter. When Irene noticed he was staring murderously at her with such a baleful aura - a sudden shiver ran down her spine.

Why is he looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?

As she wondered what the reason was, the duke stood up from his seat. "Jenson." He spoke through gritted teeth, causing the soldier to jolt.

"Y-Yes, my lord??"

Rudien stormed over to where Irene was, who was close to tears out of fear. But just as she thought of running - or rather, crawling for her life, the silver-haired duke scooped her up, tearing her away from the bear.

It was then that Irene realised - her father wasn't glaring at her. He was glaring at the stuffed bear. His eyes hadn't left it even after picking her up.

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