But first, coffee!

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When it comes to completely disregarding my desperate pleas, James takes the cake. Ugh, that guy! The sound of the bathroom door clicking shut behind him acts as the final nail in the coffin, resolutely declaring that the conversation is temporarily suspended... for now. I mean, sure, I could barge into the bathroom unannounced, but trust me, catching a glimpse of a flapping dick is the last thing I need right now. Talk about an unwanted sight.

Alright, let's prioritize. First things first—I need clothes. Well, at least something that doesn't make me resemble a walking disco ball drenched in a nauseating cloud of corpse perfume. That's not exactly the aesthetic I'm going for, you know? So, with a determined stride, I make my way toward James's main bedroom, plotting to raid his closet in search of something halfway decent to salvage my current fashion catastrophe. Because, honestly, I could really use a break from the embarrassment.

As I navigate through the labyrinth of my memories from last night, the pieces of the puzzle elude me. Oh, and where in the world is my phone? It's like a cruel game of hide-and-seek, where the more I search for answers, the more questions sprout like weeds in my mind's garden. I feel like a detective trying to solve a cryptic case with half the clues missing. It's frustratingly perplexing.

"Girl, what are you doing in James's bed? Have you seen my phone? What on earth happened last night? Spill the tea, pretty please?" I giggle, trying to divert Tamah's attention away from her incessant scrolling and towards our own little debriefing session.

With a reluctant sigh, Tamah tears her gaze away from the mesmerizing screen of her phone, her nimble fingers briefly ceasing their rapid dance on the keyboard. She's always so engrossed in her virtual world, but hey, friends are meant to be there for each other, right?

"Ugh, what's up? Vi, seriously, what in the world? Did Jacob suck your brain out, or was it that sixth shot of vodka?" Tamah quips, her tone a mix of concern and playful teasing.

Thankfully, my cinnamon-colored skin conceals my embarrassment, preventing it from betraying me by turning a blazing shade of crimson. However, despite my efforts, her words still manage to evoke a subtle blush, and I can't help but feel slightly exposed under her observant gaze.

"You're blushing!" Tamah exclaims, unable to contain her amusement.

Well, there goes my attempt to discreetly suppress any visible signs of embarrassment. Apparently, my blushing skills are as exceptional as my decision-making skills last night.

"Tamaaaah, nooooo, come on," I protest, feigning exasperation. "I'm still trying to piece together the fragments of last night. My unconscious mind seems to hold more information than my conscious self. Help a girl out, will ya?"

"I warned you about those last vodka shots. Who even does vodka shots, seriously?" Tamah responds, shaking her head in mock disapproval.

"Tequila was nowhere to be found when we arrived!" I retort, defending my choice of libation.

"So, let me get this straight—you remember the absence of tequila but conveniently forget the part where Reed sucked your brains out through your mouth?" Tamah remarks, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Well... priorities, you know?" I sheepishly confess, realizing the inherent flaw in my thought process.

"Listen up, Vi, don't get me wrong," Tamah begins, her tone becoming more serious. "But engaging in a steamy make-out session with Reed might not have been your brightest idea. Thankfully, it's summer break now, so maybe people will forget about it in a couple of weeks."

"Remind me again—how did that make-out session even happen?" I inquire, hoping for some clarity amidst the chaos of my memories.

"I didn't even start," Tamah says, her words laced with a hint of mischief.

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