Chapter Twenty One.

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We hit the dirt hard, rolling down a small hill tangled together, until we came to a rough stop at the bottom, right at the base of the forest's tree line. I scrambled to my feet, launching a fist full of air towards the wolf, but it was too low, and dodged entirely. It launched up at me, teeth bared, just as I managed to get a shield up in front of me, my arms and hands splayed out in front of me. It snapped and growled, clawing and biting at the shield, but my energy didn't budge. I waited for a safe moment, and when it bit out, I pushed the shield forward, sending it slamming into the wolf's body and launching it back. I followed through with a wave of fire, sending it straight to the wolf and watching as it burnt the fur and flesh of its body. It whimpered and howled, but still it came at me, not wanting to quit until it tasted my blood. It jumped up quickly, teeth coming down, and sank its fangs into my forearm. I screamed in pain, throwing my body forward to throw it off. A wall of air threw itself forward from my body, slamming into the wolf and forcing it to loosen its grip on my arm. I stumbled backward, clutching my arm as blood poured from the wound, but I kept my eyes focused on my enemy, not letting myself slip up. I waited, timing my attack. It leapt forward again, but I was ready, and as it lifted its hind legs off the ground, I ducked and threw my fist out and let a sharp flash of light escape from my arm. It sliced open the body of the wolf as it soared above me, showering me in its blood and innards. I swallowed the disgust rising in my throat, pushing myself up and immediately starting my trek up the small hill. I made it to the top, feeling anger rising in my body so much that it almost felt like my body was sizzling, releasing heat and smoke. I stalked forward slowly, seeing Anthony and James on the ground rolling around and wrestling, and I clenched my teeth.

"James," I snapped. He sensed the authority in my voice and immediately shoved himself off Anthony, scrambling to his feet with his eyes wide as he watched me approach. Anthony had lifted himself up, too, and was just about ready to attack again, until I threw my arm forward and let a stream of fire shoot out and douse him completely. I cut the stream off quickly, hearing him scream as I continued to approach, but I didn't let him off easy. I grabbed a blade from the ground with the energy coming from my body, guiding it over to us with my arm waving through the air. I straightened my arm quickly, the blade shooting over and driving itself straight into Anthony's chest. He gasped, clutching at the blade as he began to choke on blood, but I still didn't stop. I slowed my steps down as I lifted both my hands up, lowering them with my palms down to press the air down on Anthony, forcing him lower and lower until he was lying flat on the ground, gasping for a breath.

I didn't give him the satisfaction of a speech. I nodded at my mate, and seconds later, a blade was running across his throat, blood spilling from the opening and pouring out, all over the man's shirt and staining the dirt. He didn't last long after that; as soon as I saw the light leave his eyes, I released the pressure I was laying down on him and took a quick, sudden breath, feeling the sudden urge to cry.

"Rhea, are you alright?" James asked, but his voice was merely an echo in my ears as I stared down at the bleeding corpse before my feet. It was over. It was finally over. I would never have to fear for my family's lives again.

I blinked up at James as he grabbed onto my shoulders, shaking me into awareness.

"Where did this blood come from?" he demanded. "Is it yours?"

I shook my head, smiling faintly. "Sorry, my love," I replied quietly, looking down at my arms. I was covered completely and entirely in blood; it was soaked through my hair and had completely stained my face. I was barely recognizable. "I'm okay. It only got my arm; the rest of it belongs to the wolf." He inspected my arm, frowning at the deepness of the wound, but knowing it was only minor compared to what it could have been, so he let it go.

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