Chapter Four.

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When I arrived in the Dusk Light's pack, I was breathless. Everything was so clean and neat and organized, I felt like I had stepped into the heavens. I felt wrong walking through in the clothes I wore, and my dirty boots. I kept my head ducked low as he moved through the buildings and made it towards the pack house. Well, when I say 'pack house' I really mean 'castle'. It was huge, so tall I felt like I would hurt my neck if I tried to look all the way to the top, and so elegantly built. The first hall we walked into was the throne room, where two identical thrones sat side-by-side, complete with soft red cushioning and gold arms and legs. I swallowed involuntarily as I realized who the second seat was to be for, averting my gaze quickly.

Anyone we walked by dropped their heads to James until after he passed, so much that I didn't even think anyone saw me with him and his attendants. He informed me on our way over that only a handful of people knew I existed, and none of them even knew about who I was. It was imperative we keep it a secret, he said. No one could know.

After walking up a few flights of stairs and moving down a hallway, we stopped in front of a large door adorned in brass. He unlocked it and pushed it open, gesturing in with his arm for me to enter. I hesitated, then took a few slow steps until I was inside.

It was beautiful. There was a large bed with stunning covers in the middle of the room, pushed back against the wall, and a number of shelves and cupboards. There were two doors to the left of the room decorated the same way as the main, and many stunning decorations that I knew had to be expensive judging from their appearances. Silver candlesticks, gold statues, nothing that I had ever seen in Silver Moon, or in my entire life for that matter. I felt strange.

"Surely you don't mean for me to stay here?" I pressed, turning to face James uncertainly. We were alone in the room; his attendants were obviously waiting for him outside, but the door remained open.

"It is not to your liking?" he questioned unconvincingly, raising an eyebrow at me. I blushed quickly, shaking my head.

"No, that is not it at all," I said hurriedly, feeling my cheeks turning redder. "I just mean... well, I slept in the attic in the pack house back at Silver Moon. This feels too... luxurious for me."

"They mistreated you," he growled back, and I blinked at his sudden anger. "This is the least of what you deserve."

I was startled, and didn't reply. He cleared his throat, shaking his head.

"For your safety," he continued as if nothing had happened, "I will keep this door locked and have someone send food up to you regularly. If you need me, I will come immediately."

"You're locking me in?"

"I have no choice; no one can know you are here, and no one can know who you are. Do you understand?"

I pursed my lips, crossing my arms as I felt my eyebrows twitch together unconsciously, but I gave a stiff nod in reply. Satisfied, he turned, left the room, shut the door and locked it. I let out a loud sigh. There goes my plan.

I turned immediately and moved to the two doors on the left of the room. The first one was a bathroom that had no door on the other side, and the second was some sort of closet, with a few robes and shirts and things, but definitely not full. I bit out a curse as I shut the doors and turned back to the room, tapping my foot impatiently on the floor with my arms crossed over my chest in annoyance. How was I going to get out of here?

I spied the big window to the right of the bed and my eyes lit up. I darted over and tested the handle; it opened with ease. I cheered silently and pulled it open quietly. I didn't think James would have anyone listening at the door to keep an eye on me; he knew I came willingly, and wouldn't think I'd have any need to escape.

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