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"You should pull your back towards me Y/N." Vanitas held your hips to and adjusted his position. "Oh okay..." you agreed.

"No! Y/N should be in my side so she could insert it." Noe disagreed.

You sigh and got annoyed, "Will you both quit it?! I'll move by myself."

Vanitas was displeased that you refused, "Urgh, Y/N. Just let me do it. For a half-vampire, you're slower than I expected. I might finish the job faster than you."

Noe opposed, "Am I invisible here? I'll be much faster than you."


"He started it!"

"Stop it, Let me just push-"

As Roland caught up, "What are you doing?!" He was shocked by the scenario and got uncomfortable as well.

You three were so lost in thought and you said, "The key got stuck underneath this door so we couldn't open the chamber and these two idiots are no help at all."

Roland was so dumbfounded and got all red, "Why?! You could just break the door with your vampire strength. Why do you have to-"

You three also got dumbfounded and you slapped Vanitas and Noe just to put the blame on them, "Why am I even putting up all this nonsense effort with you two?!" "Women..." "Shut up, Vanitas." and you pointed at Roland, "Okay, I get it. So why is your face so red?" Roland was speechless and stuttered, "I thought- You- and- you- Vanitas- Noe-...." Then you realized how your conversation was like when a person is hearing without seeing the situation and was too stunned to speak as you also slapped Roland, "IDIOT! IT WAS NOT LIKE THAT!" Roland also shouted with such a cute expression on his face, "I know! So stop hitting me too."

You sighed, "So did your companions come as well?"

Roland introduced you to them, "They're right here."

How did we even make peace with this guy? You questioned yourself as you have that dumbfounded gaze on the three men before you. Ah right, Vanitas... Me... How much does he even know about us? Looks like he doesn't know that I'm a dhampir or whatever the heck Johann calls a half-vampire. His expression changed when he knew about Vanitas is the real deal. It's quite funny cause he has a cute side from his aggressive attitude. Well, not that I'm complaining but I'm glad it turned out well. There is still so much information that I didn't know. I really need to grasp this situation before things could get even worse. Vanitas. I have to know more about him. I feel like I'm missing something but I can't put my thoughts together. You sighed and blushed, Curse that Roland. Why did he have to mention those thoughts?!

(Flashback to the scene where Roland was attacking you three)

"Y/N! You should-"

"Urgh! Why can't we just infiltrate the place without causing trouble?!! This is too troublesome, Vanitas. Noe is hurt so bad! Go to him."

"No! You go tend to Noe. You know best what to do. I'll deal with him."

"That grimoire again?! That book only works on vampires, dumbass."

"Hey! I can fight without my book, for your information."

Roland had a scary look on his face, "Book? What book? Wait, are you really Vanitas?"

You were confused but somehow deducted the situation, does he? Is it because of the rumors? I should take advantage of him before he does something bad. "Yes! HE'S THE REAL DEAL. ONE AND ONLY VANITAS!"

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