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"So..." all of you kept on glancing at each other.

"Can you explain what's your deal with Noe?" you glared at Domi as she was clinging on Noe. All of a sudden she had sparkles in her eyes and said, "Noe! How did you two meet? She's so cute!"

You got struck by Domi's flattery words and had a slight blush on your face. Then reality hits back at you, " DON'T TRICK ME YOU...." you paused for a moment as you were immersed by Domi's beauty, and added, "Y-you l-look b-be-beautiful too..." You covered your face full of embarrassment as Domi had a wholesome smile at you as she was seated beside Noe.

"But, are you really engaged, Noe?" Vanitas asked.

With a straight face, Noe said as he was leaning and pointing towards Domi, "No. She is not. We're only childhood friends, I repeat, childhood F-R-I-E-N-D-S". Domi burst a laugh, "Pft, Noe, you don't have to spoil the fun. It was funny seeing them shocked." You got a little disappointed so you sigh and thought, Noe just wasted a fine specimen, just look at her beauty Noe! Are you blind? You have keen eyes but you don't feel any attraction to her? If only I were a guy, I would take her anytime. While you were deep in your thoughts, Noe interrupted you, "Y/N? Are you okay?" You realized that Domi is too good for Noe and you suddenly hugged her, "Noe! If you won't take Domi, I'll take her myself!" the world was blown away by its silence as they were lost by your words. You pouted. Your actions surprised Domi and she almost cried, "BESTIE! I knew I would get along with you." Right there and then, you and Domi instantly became best friends.

"What just happen?" Noe was dumbfounded. The Count got a little irritated because the atmosphere got too noisy but he didn't want to mess with you so he kept quiet. Vanitas slowly walked up towards you near the bookshelf where you and Domi are still hugging, "Are you done?" Vanitas asking seriously. "Huh", both of you simultaneously got confused. Then Vanitas immediately pulled you out from Domi and said, "I don't like those who wished to hug my stuff as they please." Domi smirked as Vanitas put some distance between you and Domi. "How intriguing," Domi uttered.

You tug on Vanitas' sleeve and tried gesturing him. Vanitas glanced at you as you were tugging him and pondered, Has she fallen for me already?

As you were still tugging his sleeve, you grabbed his arm and threw him into the bookshelves, "Stuff? I am NOBODY'S STUFF. So don't say as you own me." you emphasized.

Ah, right, this girl is a one-woman cell, wrong move. Vanitas chuckled, "Well, you can't be sure Y/N."

Vanitas made you super annoyed to the point your senses of wanting to kill him again returned but your composure came back and replied exclaimed, "Enough of this, what were we talking about again?"

The Count then demanded, "Y/N, THE REPORT."

"Oh...right." You had an awkward smile to your reply. Dominique de Sade, the daughter of the Marquis de Sade, Lord of Altus. Good thing that I hugged her to put that bug on the back of her purple sash. I need to be careful around her. Tsk, if Vanitas interrupted me before I even put that bug on, the whole plan might have been failed. If she's here, for sure she's scheming something. Or maybe... You continued your discussion with the Count in regards to the investigation and called Amelia Ruth.

"Y/N, don't forget our deal. I'll put my trust in you for now so keep an eye on that human." The Count glared at you. His words were straight as usual but it seems to you he still has some distrust on you, Trust on me, huh?

"Fine. You could keep an eye on Amelia Ruth if you wanted. I'll take whatever responsibility for her actions." you put your hands on your pocket as you said that. Amelia had great timing on entering the room and heard what you said. She suddenly jumped to you with you and exclaimed, "Y/N! You're my savior. I'll do anything to help."

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