{18} Merciful Guanyin, Please Give Me Patience

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Author's note at the end

Votes and comments are highly appreciated

It was happening real fast.

One second the arrow is flying to Wei Wuxian,

The next second it has been cut down into two with another arrow,

And it pierces Wen Chao's shoulder.


Wen Chao screams and clutches his injury, causing the increase of blood flowing out of his wound.

The disciples have taken a few steps back, distancing themselves from Wen Chao. Wen disciples who were with Wen Chao also take a step or two, leaving Wen Chao as the centre of stupidity.

Blending with the crowd, Wei Wuxian smirks.

He calls a few tethered spirits in the arena.

Some spirits appear and only one has the clearest outline of a lady in her 26s. Her head is split open, her belly is bleeding continuously from a stab wound.

She also has a Wen brand is seared on her side face, and she wears a torn red silk wedding robe, extravagant, with a jade headdress, most likely she was about to be married to a high-status and important person.

From her appearance, it seems that she was tossed here to death just before she got married, or her body was thrown somewhere else and her spirit is haunting.

Also, she seems to have a deep grudge against Wen Chao since she has been glaring at him with her demonic eyes after she was summoned by Wei Wuxian.

She'd do, Wei Wuxian thought.

When the lady moves her head to face Wei Wuxian, he gasps as he remembers.

The cold barren land is under his feet. Wind howling and resentful energy keep attempting to assault him, breaking him from the inside.

At least for now he's safe inside the cave.

He doesn't know how many days have passed outside...

The time in Luanzang Gang feels different than the outside of the border.

Whilst 2 days passed outside, it feels like 2 weeks have passed.

Hunger and pain are constant friends among the dead.

It is a bad, bad, one of the worst days. Food is scarce and bugs and some rotten fruits he found is almost cleared out.


He has to get out of his safe cave.

He groans and flop on the ground, then he stands back up, ties his hair to a half ponytail with his damaged red ribbon.

And, he found some food (not that fresh, but not long spoiled yet)

He looks right and left, but no one is there.

It happens again

And again

And again

And he decided to hide in the cave to see who has been giving him food.

So, he waits patiently behind an altar-like stone (Wei Wuxian's bed he says) and not long, a rather peaceful ghost, a lady in red and gold robes appear and in her hand are some food that is still in quite a good condition.

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