Ten: I Don't Hate You

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SPARKS DID NOT FLY WHEN we kissed. Sparks were for people who had inklings of chemistry. A fizzle, right?

Collins and I did not have an inkling of chemistry. We had PhDs in that shit. Toss me a white coat and call me a scientist because suddenly I felt like an unstoppable expert. In chemistry. And kissing Collins Bryant.

She kissed me slowly this time. Torturously slow. My mouth roved over hers in a bold exploration that I knew would get me into trouble.

And quickly.

Yep, I was massively turned on. Heat blazed up and down my spine. Collins' tongue flicked against mine, doing its own little dance that was making it really hard for me to control myself. When I grabbed the back of her head to keep her mouth attached to mine, deepening the kiss, she moaned. It echoed inside me as she tugged at my tie, anchoring us together.

I had no idea how to stop. Absolutely no idea how to slow this down.

"Collins," I groaned, a warning of sorts. For both of us to get our shit together.

But instead of releasing my tie and stepping away like I was half-hoping she'd have the ability to do—since I didn't—Collins used her hold on me to start marching us toward the door.

"A room," she said, looking back over her shoulder at me, eyes bright. "I have a room."

"You have a room?"


Yeah, I was definitely going to give Bren my Range Rover.


"Oh, thank god you're here."

Nessa was quick to rush over to me when I walked through the doors at Grayson's house. He lived in a big two-story dubbed the football house on campus. The parties were always long, and the music was always loud. Tonight there was too much bass, and it made my heart rattle into my throat.

Grayson, towering tall over most of the partiers, strode up behind Nessa, wrapping a protective arm around her waist to steady her in the crush of people. He looked tired and sober. Probably the only sober person in this place. I wondered if that ever got old for him, having to be the one that watched the night drag on through a different lens than everyone else.

He never complained, though. Never talked about his health problems at all unless someone else brought it up.

I clapped him on the back, and he nodded at me in greeting.

"I don't even know why I'm here, Ness. This guy's strong." I cocked my head toward her boyfriend, looking up at him. "Grayson, you shoulda just thrown Collins over your shoulder and plopped her into the back of your little... what's that you drive? A Jetta?"

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