"Chapitre 8 " : the feeling

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The feeling

I was tired.
Then again I was tired almost every day was the worst day of the week for me.
They would always start off in rush because I'd tend to wake up late even through I set my alarm at three different times. A few minutes to spare between each alarm but I must be a heavy sleeper because I seem to sleep through it all then I'd rush to the shower, get dressed, shove whatever food and rush to school.

Well it hurts so bad.
I was proving right a couple of hours later.
He really wants me to make that guy fall in love just so he can enjoy that.
I had so many questions, but the one I started with was "why you want to do them like That". And because he was too slow to answer me I fired a few more, "I don't want to get in trouble with school".

I paused and looked off into the distance as a sudden though struck me, "why do you even want to see people suffer".
Finally and easy question.
He had the gall to smile at me. "It's a pleasure for me to see them suffering, they deserve it".
His eyes rolled. "Relax if you gonna do that I'll please you".

And we'll back on time before curfew, he turned to me and anyone just arriving to this conversation would have though he looked the picture of innocence. Trust me.


As the phone rang my hands begun to tremble and my mouth begun cursing fast all by itself.

Iron caught my eye for a quick second as he looked around. My eyes had gone back to my cellphone's screen on time to see my ma's name disappear.
This was even worse because not picking up right away meant I was not paying attention which could be interpreted as I was up to something she wouldn't like.
My eyes widened "my ma can sniff out a lie no matter how many miles are between us."
Lesi smiled at me "no worries we're pro's , call her back,"

My entire body was going through hot flashes as the phone rang.
We all waited in silence as I looked down at my phone half expecting that she'd call again and she normally would but she must have realised this time that she was gonna get me in trouble with school if she did because the phone remained still rang.

After all these shitty days, here it comes.
She entered the class to disturb some papers, it was a Halloween party.

WERE TOO YOUNG <3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat