"Chapitre 7" : losing my resistance

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Losing my resistance

I shook my head as I left my room.
I wouldn't describe myself as a morning person,specially after a bad night, but Lesi couldn't be confused for one. Every morning was a struggle for him and I tried to not add to him.

Waking up at 6 am in the morning was a new habit for me to take, ruining my old schedule.
Entering the class again, he was sitting next to me, and I'd sit in the chair in front of him, him whispering "you must be wondering why I'm sitting here".

I clasped my hands together.
"Do I look interested?"

"Interested?" Somehow made him crack a smile.
You sound certain that you'll make a mistakes.
I shrugged one shoulder. "Your face bring all sort of catches no good things".

It wasn't complicated. It was stupid and I didn't want to explain it. It cut too close to the heart of the matter, which was that I wasn't good enough.

"F U C K" the word slipped from my lips, I jumped in the middle of the hallway like a maniac.

I saw him there talking shit about me to his friends, "the concept of sneaking was to not get caught".

I just knew this was not going to work. I tried to pretend he's not there and make him magically disappear, but he stays there giving me a hard expression almost willing to me to not be here. I guess we are on the same page.

The main asshole's loud voice sounds over the room and we all look at him.
My eyes peel open and I feel arms tighten around my neck. Making a small sound of content I move closer.

"Yow you"
I hear him calling me I look at him dead in the eye and pull on the jacket.

"If you want to stay here in peace you need to do what I will tell you ".
Sensing as if I was about to pass out from the pain in my feel I look up, " I'm not your slave".

His eyes were brilliant black like a devil that seemed to glow as he looked me up and down in the class. His chubby stomach out of his shirt as he calls gym gay place and smoke way to many cigarettes. Black hair fell in front of his eyes and his hand pushed it away. His voice was like a coffee machine making noisy sound like a thunder.

His words not mine had to start this way. It was Friday our last lesson of the week. And I couldn't wait for the weekend so I could catch up with all the tea with Lesi.

Couldn't begin to explain how ridiculous I felt or how hilarious it was that. The whole thing was weird.

A silence settled between us and I could hear the nervous breathing from the other side of line.
"You need to make those boys fall for you that's an order".
The little voice drifted into my head and I found the urge to cancel with him. I was almost certain that I was going insane.
"No" I screamed finally said and for a moment, I felt reluctant to tell my ma about him and all the dreams I had about him for almost a year knowing well that my dreams are visions but she did know there was a man in those dreams, through she was not aware of his name because I hadn't yet told her.

WERE TOO YOUNG <3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum