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It was a few days later when a knock came on Anna's apartment door. She mentally went through her mind wondering who it could be then suddenly remembered everyone was going to see Victoria and her new baby today.

She got up and walked to the door hoping it wasn't Max and he would just go see Victoria without her although she knew his mother and sister would be furious at him for arriving without her.

She opened the door to reveal Max on the other side. He has his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a grey cardigan jacket.

"Hey." Anna spoke as she leant against the door.

"Hey. I came to see if you were still up for coming to meet Lio?" Max wondered as he bounced back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"Oh yeh. I completely forgot about that. You guys can just go ahead, I'd have to get ready and that would take too much time." Anna shook her head in reply.

"I've all the time in the world." Max assured her. He had left Kelly at home to get ready and said he'd be back in time to go to Victoria and Tom's.

"Well come in then." Anna spoke stepping aside and letting Max inside her apartment.

Once he was inside she closed the door and followed him. Max stopped in the living room and Anna walked passed him and towards her bedroom.

She grabbed her make up bag and walked into her adjoining bathroom. Once she was inside she applied moisturiser to her face as Max walked into the bathroom.

He stood in silence leaning against the bathroom counter and watched as Anna continued to apply a light layer of make up.

He could never understand why she wore any at all. He always told her she didn't need it and girls usually layered make up on until they looked like clowns or maybe that was just the girls he knew.

"So you and Daniil?" Max wondered with a smile on his face.

"There is no me and Daniil." Anna replied grabbing her hairbrush and ran it through her long brown hair.

"You sure?" Max asked elbowing her side in a teasing way.

"Yes I am sure." She told him as she looked at him in the motor with a smile on her face.

"Okay. If you say so. But I want you to know I don't care if you date Daniil or not. I was just surprised when I opened the door the other day that's all." The Red Bull driver spoke as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well thank you for your blessing." Anna rolled her eyes in reply.

"You're welcome." Max smiled in reply.

"I was joking you idiot." Anna told him as she placed the hair brush back where it belonged. She could see him staring at her in the mirror. "What? Oh no. Please don't."

"You asked for it." Max spoke before he started to tickle her. He was standing closes to the door so she knew there was no way off escaping.

She tried to push him off but it was useless as she wasn't as strong as him and simply had to let herself be tickled as she continued to attempt to push him away.

What A Time // Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now