Wake Up call

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Geralt was in his room with a whore next to him that was fast asleep. Geralt got dressed and grabbed his cloak; he wasn't leaving, but he knew it was cold outside at night around these parts, and she didn't have anything to cover herself up with. The woman was also thin, so she would lose her body heat quickly and might get sick. Geralt went outside to the barn, where Lillian was asleep near the horses. The woman wasn't covered up, so he put his cloak on her. Roach looked at him, and Geralt sighed.

"Don't look at me like that, I know. No, I don't have any feelings for this girl. I don't need anyone except you. I don't need anyone, and I don't care about any of them," he stated.

Roach looked at Geralt, and even though she couldn't talk back, she seemed like she was. Was she guilt-tripping him?

"Roach, don't look at me like that," Geralt said; she stared at him harder.

"Fuck, look, I don't need any human companion. I'm being nice, that's it. This will bite me in the ass, isn't it?" He asked.

Roach looked down, and Geralt took it as a yes. He sighed and cursed under his breath as he looked down at the sleeping girl. Geralt should have left the girl alone. This woman wasn't worth the trouble, sure, she was nice, but it could all be a ruse. Maybe the woman just wanted to get in his pants, hoping to escape her situation. If the woman got pregnant, he might let her go. The woman was resting peacefully, and Geralt looked down at the woman feeling terrible that he thought this woman could do such a thing. This girl didn't seem like the type, but he couldn't be too careful.

Geralt sighed and moved his cloak higher above her shoulder to make sure she was warm enough to sleep threw the night. Roach looked at him, and he sighed.

"I do not care about her! She could probably be after some man's cock so she can leave being a slave," he informed.

Geralt left and went back to his room, and sighed again. Geralt felt better if that made sense; he did something nice for Lillian. That could have been the only thing good that happened to her in a long time. Sad to think about, but maybe it was his way of repaying her for the kindness she showed him.

Lillian woke up and yawned, then stretched as the sun started to rise above the horizon. Her whole body hurt, but she was used to it; she had never slept on a real bed when Danny took over the mansion. That was almost twenty years ago. Lillian wished she aged because maybe she would be too old to do anything, and he would release her from the hell she was in. Lillian paused as she saw a cloak on her and started panicking. This cloak wasn't Danny's, and she knew better than to think that. Danny wasn't kind to her at all, and now, seeing a stranger's cloak on her made her worry.

She saw a long white hair on it and instantly saw it was Geralt's cloak on her. She hoped it was anyway because of the hair, but she had to look decent for her master now. She folded Geralt's blanket and put it on Roach so Danny wouldn't suspect anything. Her long blond hair was a mess, so she brushed it out. She took the hay out of her hair and fed Ash and Roach some apples, then ate one herself. It was going to be a short journey home, but Ash was getting old, and Danny was not a tiny man.

"Maybe when we get back, we can put you in the fields with our other female horses. You might be getting old, but there is no reason you can't have a little fun before you go," she smiled as Ash licked her face.

"I know I shouldn't be talking the such talk to you, but at least you would have children. Until I figure out what made me young, seemingly forever, I don't want to give my heart to someone and then watch them die while I live. You know I knew your father and his father too; they were all kind to me, how you are to me. Maybe a bit naughty at times, but I like the attitude in you. I wonder how long witchers live for, you know, it's sad that so many people hate them. All they do is do their jobs and then leave; it must be lonely. No one should ever be alone," she said as she stroked Ash.

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