"Just close your eyes and sing."

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Hope leaned into her father, waiting for the screen to turn back on. "You getting sleepy, littlest wolf?" Klaus asked his daughter. "No, just like you being here." Raf looked at the tribrid with a smile. "What are you smiling at?" Hope asked the wolf. "Its nice to see you being affectionate. Not going to lie when i found out wolves are naturally affectionate i found it weird that you avoided it at all cost." Hope nodded and cuddled more into her father.

The screen turned back on to Freya, she was walking along the street when she a man. She turned around when Hope's voice could be heard. "A man of words, and not of deeds, is like a garden of weeds."

"I know this poem." Marcel whispered. "Its in that book of Shakespeare your dad had me learn." Hope nodded, "I loved playing with the toys when I was younger." 

Freya walks away, the man is shown with a smirk following her. Hope comes on screen, "And when the weeds began to crawl, its like a bird upon the wall." Hope is in the attic, reading a book in front of an old rusted chess. Hayley is then shown, "And when the bird away, does fly, its like an eagle" Hayley is shown looking at old photos. "in the sky." Klaus is shown placing bones. "And when the sky begins to roar, its like a lion at the door." Klaus is then shown attempting to break the bones. 

"How long is this poem?" Lizzie asked Hope. "I don't remember. I just remember sitting in front of that crate and reading, I would be up there for hours tho." Klaus met Rebekah's smirk.  "What?" He asked with a smile. "She is your daughter. Staying up all night, reading, painting. Mother would have to take your things away for you to sleep." Lizzie looked straight at Klaus. "I blame you." Elijah looked confused, "For what?" Hope shakes her head mouthing no. "Hope?" Freya asked laughing. "Yeah. I am totally fine!" Lizzie smirked at her, "She will stay up for hours, reading, studying, and painting. The minute she gets started on a painting you might as well say goodbye to her for a few days." Klaus shakes his head fondly. "Days?!" Hayley asked. "Yep. It takes Dad taking her paints until she sleeps a whole night." Josie said. Klaus laughs shaking his head. "She is my daughter." Klaus smiled side hugging Hope.

"And when the door begins to crack," Klaus hits the bone with a hammer. "Its like a stick across your back." The bone doesn't crack or move. Klaus tries to break again. Marcel is shown in a salt circle. "And when your back begins to smart," Marcel jumps at the noise from upstairs. "Its like a knife inside your heart. And when your heart begins to bleed, your dead and dead and dead indeed." Hope is shown sitting with the book again. "Not exactly the most," Hope jumps at the sudden noise. 

"Why did you jump?" Lizzie asked laughing. "It was really quiet in the attic at that moment and I wasn't expecting anyone else in there." Lizzie nodded.

"reading material." Hope takes a breathe. "Its an old book of rhymes. There's a lot of weird stuff here." "You know Hope, I'd rather you didn't play here actually. All the splinters and dust..." 

"Overprotective much, brother?" Kol teased. Rebekah smiled, "She is his first biological child and daughter, let him be Kol." 

"and the bats." "There aren't any bats." "I haven't seen no evidence that your Uncle Elijah doesn't sleep here hanging upside down."

"I do not." Eljiah laughed. Everyone started laughing. 

Klaus was rewarded with a laugh from Hope. "Dad, was there a little boy who used to live here?" Klaus comes closer to her and leans down. "Come along sweetheart. We can discuss ancient history another time."

"So I am ancient history?" Marcel asked his sister. Hope laughed seeing the teasing glint in his eyes. "Yes, you are very old." Marcel gasped, putting a hand over his heart. Everyone laughed at seeing their interactions. Raf and Landon watched the two seeing they were like them. 

Klaus put his hand out for Hope, Hope grabbed a toy solider and then left with her father. The chest revealed to have the name Marcellus carved into the side of it. 

The screen turned off and then turned back on, hinting a new scene, Marcel was in his circle, trying to catch a breathe, when the gate creaked.  Hope is revealed to be the one who opened it. "Hi." She greeted him. "I think this is yours." She held up a toy solider. 

"How did you know that?" Kol asked. "The name Marcellus was on the box, not hard to realize the name Marcel was a nickname." Hope explained with the look of duh. Marcel laughed, Hope looked at him with a look that asked what. "I'm seven not stupid." Marcel said with a poor interpretation of a seven year old Hope. Everyone laughed. 

"Hope." Marcel greeted. Hope throws the toy at him, he catches it. "I haven't seen this in a century." "So your the little boy who used to live in my house." "Once upon a time, I used to live here with your Dad." "He keeps you down here, because he thinks you want to kill him. Do you?" "Listen I will tell you anything you want to know. Okay? If you get me some blood from your Dad's stash." "I'm seven, not stupid."

"You are defiantly your mother's daughter." Rebekah laughed. 

Marcel laughed, "Right." His eyes showed that he was proud.

"You tested her." Klaus noted. "I don't like people who hurt kids, I wouldn't have harmed her. I still won't she is my sister." Klaus smiled. "Thank you." Marcel looked at him wide eye, "For what?" "For being there when I can't." Alaric smiled, at this moment he wasn't seeing the Klaus that hunted his friends but a proud, protective father. 

"You know your also pretty courageous.  Come down here and talk to a stranger." "I'm not scared. I am a Mikaelson witch." "I'll tell you what, let's start fresh, all right?" Marcel leans down. "It is very good to see you again, Hope Mikaelson." "My name is Marcel." Hope smiles.

"The two of you are adorable." Josie smiled at her friend. 

Marcel and Hope look up when they heard a crash. "Somethings wrong. I have to go." Hope gets up and heads to leave. "No wait, Hope." Marcel gets up. "Its not safe." 

"I need you to let me out of the circle." "I can't. My dad will be mad." "No he won't. I will keep you safe." "I can protect myself, and my dad and my mom."

"So even when you were seven you refused help." Landon noted. "Its a Mikaelson thing." Davina said, receiving a nod from everyone who had to work with a Mikaelson. 

"I'm strong enough to stop the bad guys. I'm stronger than anybody thinks!" Hope takes the bracelet off. "Wait Hope." The bracelet hits the ground and the candles and wind start to react.

"All you did was take your bracelet off." Hope nods then looks down. "I am a first born Mikaelson witch. My magic is strong."

"I know your strong, okay. That's how I know you can let me out of here." The wind is still going, moving Hope's hair. "I need you to trust me right now. Your dad rescued me. He raised me and I knew your mom when she was a baby. We're family. What does your mommy say about family?" "That we stick together, always and forever." "That's right." 

"Always and forever." Hope whispered looking at Marcel, he nodded with a tearful glint in his eyes.

A man is heard yelling. "He's down here." Hope and Marcel are alarmed. "Okay look at me." Marcel holds out his hand, "Do you trust me?" 

Klaus appears on screen. "Marcel!" Hope gets off the bench and runs to Klaus. "Dad, what happened?" Klaus looks at his hands and sees the blood. "It's uh..it's, it's paint. I made quit the mess didn't I?" Klaus smiled at her. "Where's mom?" "She's at home waiting for you. Are you okay? You took your bracelet off." "Dad, don't be mad. I-I let Marcel out, and he kept me safe." "I'm not angry sweetheart, come here." Klaus gives her a hug. "Don't be angry at Marcel, either. He's my friend." 

"How did you not see anything?" Lizzie asked Hope. "Marcel took me out of the room and told me to close my eyes and sing." Josie went wide eye, "You tell the kids at the school, on bad days to do that."  

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