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A/N Sorry it took awhile to update. Hope (haha) you enjoy this new chapter.

Everyone looks at the screen as it turns on revealing the Mikaelson Manor. It shows Hope's room, Klaus walks and sits next to a sick Hope.  " Wait I thought Hope was healed?" Raf yelled in alarm. "I never healed...the wanted me. Not until a few years ago did we actually get freed from the  Hollow." Hope answered. 

"How are you feeling?" Klaus asked. "I'm still so cold. Are the  birds gone?" Hope asked. "Yeah they're gone sweetheart." "I never thought Klaus Mikaelson was capable of love." One of the school kids said. Hope as well as her family stood up. "My father is very well capable of love. He raised me after my mother died, he was with me when he could be. He taught me how to paint, how to draw, he taught me how survive." Hope said as calmly as she could muster.  The rest of the Mikaelsons looked at Hope with pride. 

"And when you are better, which will be soon. You and I are going to share the biggest plate of beignets anyone's ever seen." "Did he actually do that?" Kol asked Hayley. "Yeah I came down in early in morning to find Klaus and Hope eating apple beignets." Hayley answered  as loud as she could. Klaus and Hope smiled toothily while everyone else laughed. "And you can tell me where in this big aquatic world you'd like me to take you next." Klaus told her. "Mom said 'You loved New Orleans most of all." Hope said with a smile. Klaus looked at her shocked, "I did once, but putting your love into a place is a mistake, and being here in our home, uh seeing these walls. I'm reminded its people who is best suited to feel our hearts." "That was very poetic Klaus." Rebecca commented. "Auntie Bex is right Dad." Hope said with a smile. "Dad? I don't feel so good." Hope looks to be in pain. Klaus is shown worried, he touches the side of Hopes head. Hope smiles as much as she can muster before closing her eyes. 

The screen turns off. "Hope, you never told anyone you were this close to your dad." Jed asked. "Dude." "Man." "What the hell, Jed?" Was heard coming from the squad. "What is just a question?" "Guys, its fine!" Hope said. "Yeah, I never said anything because everyone already avoided me. I'm Klaus Mikaelson's daughter. I am that girl. I still have trouble with grief. Hell I got in trouble today because of" Hope looked down. "Is that true. You are pushed aside because your my daughter?" Klaus asked. "Not by Professor Saltzman but by most of the students yeah...but its fine." Hope said looking up. "No, its not fine. You shouldn't be pushed aside because of your parentage." Klaus argued. "He's right Hope." Alaric said. "I need to talk with everyone, especially the pack. Do they include you in stuff?" Alaric asked. "Some exercises, like runs through he woods, and gym." Hope answered. "We'll work on it. Okay?" He asked Hope and Klaus. "You shouldn't have to work on it." Kol snapped. "Do you even know why Klaus is the way he is?" Kol asked Alaric. "No.." He answered. "He was pushed aside by our father. The same way your school does Hope. If in any future videos, and I mean any, I see Hope being bullied or alone, I will solve it." Kol promised. Alaric was surprised, he knew that the Mikaelsons protected each other, but he wasn't expecting this.

Oringals and Legacies watch....Hopes past *Hiatus*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt