Chapter 34

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"Vincent ."I breathe in shock. My muscles tense and my body goes stiff. Fear and panic overwhelms me after hearing his voice after so long .

I wasn't prepared for this . I wasn't meant to freeze up like this . It's as if he has casted a spell on me.

"You came back to me my love ."he sighs and spins me to face him. I dont look up at him and instead stare at his red suit . I cant bring myself to look him in the eyes . His skin against mine feels like acid , burning me to the  bone. 

His hand grips mine with force before pulling me close to him. "Let's go somewhere private before someone notices me . "He says and drags me through the crowd . My eyes are glued to the back of his head and I notice that he hasn't had a hair cut since the last time I saw him.

I cant help but melt at the sound of his voice . I despise myself for craving him like I currently do . I spent all those months hating him and getting over him but despite all my efforts, just the mere sound of his voice turns me back into the needy and obedient person I once was with him.

I loved him for so long.  I was obsessed with him. I thought I had moved on from him and healed what he had damaged . I was clearly wrong .

He hurt me . Deeply . However it's hard to completely toss out the feelings I had for him when he buried himself deep in my heart .  The memories grew like roots of a tree , unable to be removed without completely killing the tree in the process .

Vincent pushes through a door and pulls me in with him before shutting it behind us . I look around the small room and notice that it's a storage closet with extra decorations and tools for emergencies . It's a pretty tight fit in here .

"You're finally back my love."He sighs and pulls me into his chest . His arms snake around my waist as he embraces me with glee. "You left me all alone . "He mumbles and nuzzles into the crook of my neck .His warmth is familiar and welcoming . So much so that I have to remind myself about the plan .

"Vincent -"

"No no. "He interrupts and pulls back .
He caresses my chin , gently rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip and tilting my head up to look at him. Exactly like before. 

My eyes finally meet his and I feel my stomach go queasy . He still has a hold on my heart . A hold I will never be able to break away from.
"You dont need to explain yourself my love ."

His eyes are soft as his pink lips smile at me . He looks so calm but I know better than to fall for this ploy .

I take the time to notice how much he's changed.  His skin has gone even paler than before.  The dark bags under his eyes are accentuated by his thin face . He looks like a wreck . Even so , he still looks as handsome as ever .

His hand moves from my chin to my neck where he runs the back of his index finger along my skin , slowly moving lower to my chest . "Your wounds have healed but have left awful scars . "He purses his lips as his eyes take in the small white marks that will forever be buried in my flesh.

"I know. They look terrible ."I finally speak.

Amariah tried finding ointments and remedies to heal them but nothing would work. I would stay up at night staring at myself in the mirror , glaring at my body and crying over how  easily manipulated I am . 

"Oh what has that witch told you ."he hisses and leans in slowly,  his hot breath on my neck as he says "They look astonishing.  " and plants a soft kiss on the scared skin .

No . This is wrong.  I should be doing what we planned.

My hand falls down and pushes the slit of my dress open. My finger feels the leather material of the strap around my thigh.  This is it . It's the perfect opportunity. 

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