Chapter 17

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"Do you think he saw us ?" I stress and and begin scratching the side of the car seat .

Vincent is at the bar right now . If we had stayed even a second longer he might've caught me . 

"No , but hes probably questioning everyone who saw us which means he'll be on his way to my place in a few moments" Damien exclaims , his tone stressed and carrying fear.

The window wipers swish back and forth as droplets of rain hit the windscreen.

If Vincent finds me with Damien, it wouldn't just be me facing the consequences . Damien will get hurt too.

"Can you drop me off at the nearest Inn ?" I ask softly ."I cant allow you to get hurt because of my mistakes ."

Damien remains silent, not bothering to protest, knowing that him and his fiance could suffer due to my poor choices.

"I'm sorry."Damien finally speaks .

The rest of the ride is filled with complete silence and tension . None of us knows what is going to happen but it's most likely going to end in me becoming a painting medium .

This was such an irrational decision. I shouldn't have ran out that building. 
Even though Im free , Vincent is still out there looking for me . I'll never be able to live my life like before. Why was I expecting to run back to my dorm and go back to school and have tests be my only stress in life.

I should've stayed at the Fantomhive manor .

Little droplets of rain fall onto the windshield,  the soft tapping of them hitting the glass slowly calming me down.  I ease back in my seat with a sigh as I watch the rain fall from the sky .

The car slows and eventually comes to a stop in front of a fancy hotel with doormen sending Damien's car looks of confusion and disgust. 

Damien looks over at me with a look of sympathy with his hand still on the steering wheel . "Where are you going to go from here ?"he asks .

I take a moment to think , not knowing what to say or do . "I dont know . "I sigh and stare at the building in front of me ."Thanks for the help Damien . I really appreciate it ."I send him a short smile before climing out the car.

"When Vincent comes by I promise I wont tell him where you are."he calls as he leans over the passenger seat with a smile .

I laugh and nod at him before running into the hotel . The doormen pull the glass doors open and bow as I walk past them . The disgusted looks on their faces give away that they merely show me respect due to their occupation.

My wet pumps squish against the marbel floors as water drips from my hair and onto the floor. The silence in here is so overbearing that I want to rip someone's hair out just to hear them make a noise .

I stand by the front desk and begin tapping in the cold surface as I wait for the receptionist to acknowledge me as she cleans her nails. 

Her blue eyes snap up at me after I exhale a little too loudly . A look of annoyance flashes on the her face before she puts on the darkest smile I have ever seen . "Is there anything I can help you with ma'am ?"she asks kindly .

Should I book a room ? I tap my pockets to feel if I have any cash on me ,only to find them empty . Of course . Why would I have money on me when I've been living with a millionaire for the past few weeks?
"Um...could I perhaps use your telephone ?" I ask carefully .

The receptionist grimaces before slowly nodding,  her blonde hair falling over her shoulder as she leans over to grab the telephone . "What is the number you are calling ?" She asks .

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