Chapter 14

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"Is there anything left undone in my schedule today?" Manjiro inquired the strawberry blonde who stood behind him, his voice low almost perceive as a whisper. His eyes decorated with a pair of purple half-moon, unfocused, indicating the exhaustion he had acquired over the days that seemingly evaporated, yet he interpreted this as a sign of being such a dedicated husband to his wife.

"I believe you have completed all of them, boss." Answered Sanzu with unwavering respect reflecting within every word that soared out of his throat. After the utterances had been exchanged between, deafening silence occurred, though it was inevitable that there is still white noises existing such as the sound of footsteps and the far away and unclear chattering of individuals cluttered within the towering building. Thus, this episode persist to unravel until they had left the building they govern: warm and sultry air instantaneously greeted their form silhouetted from the illumination coming from inside.

Soon, viewed striding towards the luxurious car, Sanzu take the honorable lead to open the rear door for Manjiro to enter. Manjiro was illustrated calm as he fleetingly close his eyes, seizing the relief to enter the shelter of the transportation he owned.

Starting the engine, Sanzu steals a glimpse of his leader onto the rear-view mirror, viewing if he feels pleased.

"Where to, boss?" Sanzu queried, his hands draped on the steering wheel.

Charcoal eyes bore outside, examining the illustrated surrounding. The sky outside the window was changing rapidly from sweet pastel pink with gold to velvety blue, then slowly transitioning to dark night tints. Uttering under his breath, Manjiro responded to the question.

"Home," he said quietly. "By now, my wife must be expecting me home."

Sanzu stiffened, his breath hooked. "What--"

"What?" Manjiro arched his brow in a quizzing manner, afraid in the depth that something might have occurred while he was left uninformed.

"It just that--" Sanzu muttered.

"Just what?"

The atmosphere was dense, almost swiveling hard to breathe.

"Your... wife?" Sanzu trailed off, voice hinting hesitation, as beads of perspiration escape his pores, trickling on the hollow of his cheeks. "But isn't she--"

Sanzu's utterance was halted, however, as Manjiro interrupted. His voice suggests foreboding.

❝Hurry up, she'll most likely be looking for me.❞

𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐀  Manjiro SanoWhere stories live. Discover now