Chapter 17

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[Taichi's POV]

On our second day of training camp, we start our usual training in preparation for the championship. Aside from that, the collaboration project with YUAD also started.

We finished our morning practice when I notice that Kairi wasn't with her friends and soon we will take our lunch.

Me: "Akihira-san, may I ask where is Kairi-san?"

Mina: "Ow.. Kai is just in our room, she's just finishing something..."

Me: "I see."

So I look at Miku who is waiting for her. I guess I'll bring her to Kai before I take my lunch.

As I reach their room which is only next to ours, I knock first to confirm if she was inside but there's is no responding so I decided to go open the door since it's unlocked.

Me: "Kai?"

I see that Kai was laying her head in front of his laptop, browsing her phone while waiting for the project file to open. She was wearing headphones that's why she cannot hear my knock.

She didn't notice us until Miku start to jump on her.

Me: "Sorry for intrusion"

Kairi: "Ah sorry for bothering you about Miku and Thank you for bringing her here." - Her voice is a little bit hoarse and she was sniffing. When I look into her eyes, it seems like she just finished crying.

Me: "Kai-san are you okay?"

Kairi: "Yeah, I'm okay" - she smiles faintly at me and there's a pause before she answered me.

I wasn't convinced that she was okay, she wasn't good at lying.

Me: "I know we're not that close as your best friends but If you need someone to talk to you can talk to me"

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