Chapter 22

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[Kairi's POV]

Weeks passed by and the bond between me and Ran is getting deeper, as well to his and my friends. And today, the professor requested me and my friends, Mina and Hiro, to go to our dean's office after her class.

Me: "Good afternoon Sir, Prof. Yamato told us to report to you."

Dean: "Oh yeah right, please sit down first."

Actually, we don't have an exact idea why we are been called here.

Dean: "So the reason why I called you three here is this" - he handed us a 3 black envelop with a gold seal. Each envelope has our names.

Dean: "Open it" *smiles*

We start to open the envelope and my eyes widen after I read the invitations.

Dean: "Congratulations to you three, the work you submitted last month made into the finals. So this weekend, you three are going to Kyoto for the awards nights and as indicated in the letter given to us, everyone is required to have an escort or muse to be with them. In your case... I guess one of you needs to get an escort or muse."

The two look at me.

Me: "What?"

Mina: "Dean, Hiro, and I will be partners for the gala so I think Kairi will be the one who needed an escort"

Hiro: "Sir, is the escort can be attending in different university?"

Dean: "Yes, as long as he or she is available to the date"

Mina: "Noted sir"

Dean: "So you can now start preparing for the gala, the clothes, accommodation, and transportation will be covered by the university"

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