Chapter 11

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Losandra woods
So now after I see it very clear where should I look first ?! Sarai said " and now the real problem you have only two days to find all that things , and you can't stay here for long "

I start getting really nervous now , what should I do ?! I think I'm screaming deep inside me . Okay I need to focus

I said to Sarai " tell me about this woods tell me why they call it Losandra woods , and let start with the purple pass "

She start saying " few years ago Losandra was one of the bæs , she fall in love once . Her magic was purple blue kind of magic , the purple because she was a lovely girl and also because it's her favorite color , she was born with an amazing power , she also have blue for having a pure heart , and she was sensitive , she was wise girl . But unfortunately her love was a disaster !! it end really bad . Now because he is not her protecter , her power killed him !! after that she was so mad that she cast a spell on her own clan , and her magic was planted in bean tree , this tree now produce purple beans , you can't eat it will kill you . To protect that tree she cast another spell make the tree surrounded with purple water , one drop on your body and you will be drag to that lake . And also the tree live one people body's "

Then I say " wait you mean that huge tree that other there is the purple tree that your talking about "

The tree was huge and flowers was pick and blue only one flower that was purple

Sarai said " see that purple flower other there !! Get it for me "

I was shocked how I will do that now ?! I look everywhere and saw some woods , I take them and put them in front of me . As a protecter I have some magic I can only use it if I need it , so I did . I make the woods float in the air , I walk on them very carefully I take the flower and the tree move !! I almost fall but I move fast , but unfortunately on my last step I push the wood down and a drop of that water touch my leg , oh no !!

Sarai said " you so screwed !! you better start running!!! "

I get up and start running , a purple wave come out of that lake !! now it's like and ocean chasing me , I run as fast as I can . Trees start moving I was jumping up and down , up and down , keep running , climbing trees , sliding down and then I saw Sarai next to me

She said " you must find away to stop it , now run to the blue pass maybe we can find something in there !! "

I said " okay I will try my best !! "

I run to the blue pass and then the wave stop then I say " wait it stop! "

Then Sarai come to me and said " oh my god !! Okay let me catch my breath !! Now what we need to find ?! Oh god still can't breathe!! "

Then I said " the sparkle of the blue sky !! I don't know what that even mean !! "

Then she take a deep breath and said " you mean like the follower that was given to Losandra ?! "

I asked " what you mean?! "

Then she said " let me continue the story . Now the blue magic was the only thing that she use to keep that woods alive . When her lover died one day her heart shattered . In the past blue flowers are her favorite , now they are nothing !! those blue flowers you going to find them in her lover grave , which no one where that is ?! But you have a bigger problems that tree shouldn't move from her place , that mean someone is watching us you better move fast Max !! "

So I start running from tree to another , from a rock to another rock . Then I stop for a sec and saw the ground , then I see her lover face and his name was Jone Caleb blue flower . blue flower a part of his name , the flower must be here .

Then I start cleaning the ground , then I pulled some grass that open stairs to under the ground . I walk down and saw one blue flower , but then I saw the ground it was unstable and the purple water is here too , so I must be careful this time . I jumped from stone to stone till I reach to the flower , it was dropped on the floor I picked it up and the flower died in my hand

I said " what !!? How this happen ?! "

Then Sarai said " the flower is in his grave that's down there in the purple water !! You can't have it Max "

Who care what will happen to me anyway , so I said to her " I will go down there and try to grab the flower , let us hope I will survive this "

I jump inside the purple water , kept swing till I saw a box . I opened it and saw Jone holding the flower . I grab it now I must get out it might be hard , I start swinging and swinging but I feel like the ground pulling me down , and I can't swim anymore , I must fight this water , I must save Catherine , I will keep trying . Then I start losing my breath so I just let go but then I felt a hand that grab me out then I start coughing and said " thanks !! let leave this place "

I start walking away but then some little creatures start attacking us . I run again till I find a huge tree that will lead to the other side . I start walking on it then I yell to Sarai " come on hurry up !! "

She said " I will distract them good luck out there Max be careful !! "

Then she run away so those creatures follow her . As I was walking around trying to remember where Ronald tunnels are !!

Then I saw Nina running from place to another I yell to her " Nina !! "

She run to me and said " hi what's up ?! "

I replied " I'm trying to save Catherine what about you ?! "

She said " I was trying to go back to Nikki clan , she needed some help !! but I think I take the wrong turn , now the only short cut I have is Ronald tunnel !! "

I yelled " YES !! Sorry but we can go together if you want "

Then she said " why you want to pass Ronald tunnels ?! "

Then I answered " I want some brown sand !! "

She look at me then said " excuse me !! brown sand ?! Now that will be a problem "

Then I said " now why this will be a problem?! "

Then she said " just follow me and I will show you "
I followed her to Ronald tunnel...
Thx for reading so far I hope you like it tell me what you think about it my Instagram account is @wattpad_bk Don't forget to vote 😉 love ya

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