Chapter 2

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Catherine POV
I open my eyes and I was surrounded by ship crash . I look around there was no one there . Just me laying down in a dark night in a weird place . I try to get up and walk again . But somehow I feel like someone holding my head down and my vision wasn't clear it was blurred . I start looking for my phone but no single and no food to survive the night . So I just get up and start walking around. Till I enter the woods in the island that I know nothing about . I start to become tired and hungry. So I just lay down and put my head on my bag and try to take a nap .

The next day
It was 9:00 am . And soon my phone will be useless . I start walking again . And I just start going deeper and deeper into the forest . I keep hearing sounds and creatures voice . But I keep convince myself that Those are just animals nothing else. Then I start hearing noises between the trees and I keep asking myself what's out there . Than I saw someone jump in front of me and start running . I follow that person till I get lost in the woods . So I lay down on a rock and start looking to the sky take a deep breath and relax while I was closing my eyes . Then I open my eyes and saw someone face !!! I get up so fast I hit that person head Then I say
" What the hell !! "

Then I saw a beautiful girl with a white hair she was holding a bow on her back there was some arrows then she look at me and say
" Hello bæ "

I was looking at her because what she just call me . She was weird she don't even know me why she call me that !! . Then I say
" Aaaa ??! Hello !! How are you ?? and what is this place ? "

She say " oh come on don't say that you don't remember this place !! "

Than I look at her than start walking away from her than she call me and say
" Stop !! Wait you really don't remember this place bæ ?? "

Again with this ( bæ) is there something wrong with this girl . Seriously why she call me that !!? . I stop and look at her and say
" Why do you call me that ?? Do I know you ?? "

Then she come and hold me face move it right and left . Then she say
" Is there something hit your head or something!! You seriously have no idea where are you ?! Please follow me I want to show you something "

She start walking away first she was grabbing me and running she have a strong grip . Then we start walking around . There was huge trees and a large leaves that I keep pushing out from the way . Then we reach to huge place and there was a lot of people there they all look the same like they all come from one big family and they have cabins on the ground and a lot of tree house the place was amazing. Than the girl say
" See this place !! . It call the guardians village . We all have skills to heal and to kill and to fight and to protect we have a pure magic not like the witches magic . This is our home . And my name is Jasmine "

She was talking and talking I didn't pay any attention after I heard her say ( guardians, witches) . I must be dreaming or something ?! . There is no way this is a reality!! . Then I say
" Wait just a sec !! You think that I'm a freak like you ?!!! "

Then she walk in front of me and she hold her bow and pointed it at me and say
" Say that we're freaks again and I will kill you !! "

Then I take a step backward . And I bomb into someone it was a guy he look at me and say
" Catherine !! Your back !! since when you were here ?!! "

Then I look to the guy . And then I run as fas as I can to get out from there . I was scared from what I just saw . I mean this get to be a joke there is no way this is real !!. What kind of sick joke is that there is something seriously wrong about this place !!. How I end up here alone ?? are there anymore survivors from the ship crash ?!..
Thx for reading my friends follow us in Instagram and tell us what you think 😉
@_episodeaddict_ as Annandra
@tolivelikeyouredying_officialas Gabby
@aidynn.episodee as Aidyn
@just_the_beginning0 as Nicole
@officialthebet as Anna
And me as Catherine and my Instagram account is @wattpad_bk
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