Chapter 11

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"You guys are gonna want to see this" Clint said

"Bruce are you good here" Steve said

"Yeah we should be fine" bruce replied

Steve,Tony and Thor all rushed to follow clint until they ended up in the middle of the forest standing over a body of a wolf

"So that's how she got that bite" Steve said

"That things twice her size how on earth did she managed to kill it" Tony said

"I don't know but that wasn't the only that was here" Nat said

"What do you you mean lady Natasha" Thor said

"Come look at this" Nat said pointing her flashlight on the ground they all walked around the wolf and in her direction

"While clint was getting you I decided to have a look around when I came across footprints that definitely don't belong to any of us" Nat explained while they all stared at the prints

"Do you think it was hydra" Steve said

"Most likely" clint said

"Do we inform fury about this" clint said

"I say we bury the body and don't tell him about this" Tony said

"I agree with Tony" Steve said

"I also agree" Thor said

They all decided to keep it from fury and buried the body hiding all the evidence of anyone being there and they headed back to the compound.

The next day

Akela's PoV

I woke up on something soft  beneath me I yawned and stretched my front legs noticing something wrapped around my leg where I was bitten.

"Hey girl" someone said my ears I looked to see the Raven haired man at the door way I think they called him Loki he was carrying a bowl

"You must be hungry" he said and placed the bowl onto the floor it smelled delicious and I was starving so I jumped down onto the floor and went up to the bowl I immediately started scarfing the food down until it was all gone.

No one's PoV

Everyone except Loki was seated in the dining room eating breakfast when Loki decided to walk in and sat down next to Thor.

"Has fury and his agents left" Bruce said

"They left in the early hours of this morning they shouldn't be back for a couple of weeks" Clint said

"So what are we going to do about the wolf" Steve said

"I don't know but I think hydra are looking for her so we need to be cautious I've set alarms around the perimeter so anyone that isn't us Jarvis will alert us" Tony explained

"You know we can't keep her locked up in lokis room all day she needs space she needs to be able to run and Be able to go to the toilet"Steve said

"Cap is right she won't do well cooped up all day" loki said

"Guys there's no need to worry I've already been thinking of some ideas" Tony said

"You have" Steve questioned

"Yes follow me" Tony said and stood up from his chair the rest soo started to follow Tony

Tony led them down a stairway and to a metal door Tony scanned his fingerprint and the door opened they all stepped through

Akela (Avengers x wolf)Where stories live. Discover now