Chapter 6

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"I think this will be good for my brother" Thor said

Third persons PoV

"She's been asleep for a whole day" Tony said concerned as he watch the wolf through the cell still lying asleep in the same position they left her in

"She probably hasn't had a decent sleep in years and the amount her body has gone through the malnutrition the abuse her body's trying to heal itself" Bruce explained

"When do you think she'll wake up" Loki asked

"Could be a day or a week we don't know" Bruce replied

"It's better that we don't touch her or wake her while she's sleeping or it won't be good for the one waking her" Bruce said

1 Week later

The avengers have been watching the wolf sleep for over a week they started getting concerned she hadn't eaten or even been to the toilet. They haven't checked her injuries because they where too scared to wake her.

"That's it I'm going in there" fury said and started to march into the cell

"Sir that's not a good idea" Steve said but fury ignored him

Fury went into the cell and tried to shake the wolf awake with his hand that's when the wolf woke up and grabbed hold of his hand and started to shake it fury yelled in pain.

"what do we do" Steve rushed out panicking

"Taser it"clint said

"NO" shouted Loki as he stood at the door

"If you use a taser she's more likely to stay latched on causing more damage" Loki explained

"What do you suggest then" clint said

Loki made his way over to the cell and entered he pulled out a piece of meat and held it up the wolfs nose twitched and she immediately let go of furys hand before fury quickly ran out of the cell holding his hand.

The wolf stood up wobbling and walked towards Loki and took the meat from his hand and ate it before licking his hand Loki took another peice of meat and threw and walked out of the cell locking it behind him and made his way over to the others.

"What happens now"Steve said

"Now we need to check her injuries" Bruce said

"How exactly do we do that without her attacking us" Tony said

"My brother should do it" Thor said

"That's not a bad idea I can tell Loki what to do" Bruce said

Bruce grabbed everything Loki would need and handed it to Loki before Loki went to the cell he set everything on the table next to the bed while Akela was watching him.

Loki approached Akela and let her sniff his hand before he scratched behind her ear making her chuffed he laughed.

After a couple of minutes he pat the bed Akela's put her front paws on the bed attempting to jump up but failed on the second attempt she managed to jump and lie down.

"Bruce what do I do first" Loki asked

"First remove the bandage from around her neck" Bruce told him

Loki took the scissors and cut the bandage before gently removing it. Her neck was healed and new fur started to come through

"Next you need to cut the cast off her leg" Bruce said

Loki took the scissors and moved to the cast he stroked her before cutting the cast and removing it from her leg.

"Okay what now" Loki asked

"Now you need to feel her leg for the frature" Bruce explained Loki started to feel her leg but was unsure what he was feeling.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling" Loki said

"Look I'm gonna need to come in just keep her calm okay" Bruce said and entered the cell Loki moved and sat next to Akela's head and stroked her

"Bruce let her sniff you" Loki said Bruce hesitated before reaching his hand out letting the wolf sniff him

Loki nodded and Bruce walked over and started examining her leg.

"How is that possible" Bruce said shocked

"What" Loki said

"It's completely healed" Bruce said

"It must have been whatever hydra injected her with" Loki said

"Probably we'll have to do some for research to find out" Bruce said

"I'm going to check her cuts and stomach" Bruce said and started putting pressure on her stomach

"Her stomach seems fine" Bruce said

"I'm going to check her cuts she had on her face from the muzzle they had on her" Bruce said and went around and stood in front of her face she growled a little but let him check

"They have healed also the new fur is starting to come through" Bruce said

"I'm done" Bruce anounced

"she's still severely underweight so she may struggle to walk and we'll start of by feeding her twice a day for the next two weeks then we'll feed her three or four times a day as we don't want her to be sick" Bruce explained Loki nodded as he stroked Akela's head

Akela felt sleepy as Loki was petting her soon enough she fell to sleep

End of chapter

Akela (Avengers x wolf)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang