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I scan over the note again, noticing that the location is Northwest. I step outside the door, looking for the man who just gave me the note. I hear gunshots not far in the distance, so I assume that's where he went. I jump down the stairs to grab my bag. *This might be the only other human in this area* I think to myself. I shove all the document in my bag and bolt up the stairs. I follow the sound of the gunshots to see the man fighting off a horde of androids. I quickly pull out my gun to help him. I begin firing, hitting the androids charging at him. After all the androids have fallen, I walk towards him. "Who are you?" I ask wearily. "My name is Alaric" he responds bluntly. "Let's go" he says. He begins walking away from me. "Wait!" I call. I slightly jog to catch up. "What does this note mean?" I ask. "We need to get to LA" he says. "What's in LA?" I question. "Look, we can talk about this later, we need to get to the camp." He states. He turns to keep walking and I follow him. We walk diagonally away from the sewer tunnel.

5:46 ??

After a bit of walking we end up in Pierce county. I follow Alaric along an abandoned road that veers off into the forest. While walking down the road, a thought crosses my mind. "How did you know where a was?" I ask Alaric. He shrugs. "We scanned the surrounding counties for survivors and we happen to find you." He tells me. *We?* I think. *Theres more survivors?* Before I can voice my question out loud, we walk up to a small house. Alaric pushes open the door to reveal a brightly lit room. I walk into the room to see six other people including 4 guys and 2 girls. One of the girls that has ginger hair turns to a guy with brown curly hair and whispers something unintelligible. They guys nods at her and walks over to us. "What's your name?" He questions me. "Anastasia" I reply. "What's yours?" I ask him. He pauses for a second before saying, "Cazius". Cazius is relatively short standing only a few inches taller than me. He was shorter than Alaric. Cazius stares at me for a second before pointing at the broken watch on my wrist. "What's wrong with it?" He asks. I look down at the watch, noticing the hands are spinning uncontrollably. "I don't know" I answer honestly. "I haven't noticed it spinning before". Just then, a loud siren blares through the house, causing me to jump. I turn to my right to see Alaric laying on the ground covering his ears. "Fuck he's turning!" One of the other guys yell. I watch as Alaric's skin loses color, becoming the same shade of white as Keira's.

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