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3:45 ??

The smoke in the sky is mostly gone, revealing the dark sky. Most of the buildings that line the streets have stopped burning. I've been walking for about an hour when footsteps catch my attention. I look around, but don't see any androids. I hear the footsteps again and turn around to see- Keira. Her skin is a ghostly shade of white, and her eyes are twitching. "Keira?" I call out. She doesn't respond. She starts limping towards me. I draw my gun. I pull the trigger but nothing happens. *Goddammit, my mag is empty* Keira begins sprinting at me. I rustle through my backpack for another mag. I keep searching through my bag but the mags are lost under all the documents. Keira closes the distance and jumps on top of me. She swings and her punch connects with my jaw. I push her off me and try to get up. She lunges at me again, this time her fist hitting my stomach. I manage to kick her off me again and reach for my bag. I grab a mag and put it in the gun. I point the barrel at Keira and shoot. She drops. I stand in shock for a few moments before walking towards her lifeless body. Bright red blood seeps out of her ears. I assume that's because of the siren. *Did I just fucking kill Keira?* I ask myself. Her clothes are torn and she's covered in various scratches. I look around and notice a trail of blood leading to where she came from. I back away from her body, still in disbelief. I walk up to my bag and sling it over my shoulder. I glance over at Keira's body before briskly walking down the road.

4:02 ??

I finally make it back to my shelter. I push open the heavy metal door and climb down the stairs. I sit in the makeshift tent and grab the documents from my bag. I set them on the floor and organize them by time. I try to read over the documents, but Keira's death clouds my thoughts. Her pale face imprinted in my mind. *What happened to her?* I think to myself. I reach to get some food after deciding that pondering over her death won't get me out of here. I reach in my backpack to find that I only have two cans left. *I swear I packed more food. Did I really go through them that fast?* I question myself. I subconsciously map the layout of the city. *There's a grocery store 5 blocks over. I can check there to see if there's anything left*. As I'm planning my next voyage to the surface, faint footsteps above ground take me out of my thoughts. I carefully pull out my gun, making sure it's fully loaded. I get up to move to the stairs on the other side of the room. I creep up the rickety metal stairs, aiming my gun at the door at the top. The heavy door creaked, alerting me that something or someone was behind it. The door pushed open, revealing a man. An actual human. He has buzz cut brown hair and brown eyes. I lower my gun. He slowly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small yellow paper. I reach for the paper in his hand. I unfold the crinkled yellow paper. The words are hard to make out in the dim lighting of the sewer tunnel. When I look up, the man is gone. I look back down at the paper. Eventually, I'm able to decipher, "34.0522' N, 118.2437' W". Coordinates. At the bottom of the note, scribbled out in black ink is one phrase, "Code:213".

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