Chapter 4

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A/N - Not even 5 chapters in and we've got over 150 reads, you guys are something else <3


There was a fucking foot in my face. I squealed and shoved it away from me, however due to being way too disoriented I didn't realise I'd just shoved my cousin off of the sofa and onto the wooden floorboards.

"Shit!", Elijah cursed, cupping his elbow and sitting up, "what the hell Izzy?".

"Well don't put your foot in my face", I scowled, "what time is it?".

"Like I can tell you that from down here", he rose to his feet with another groan and stretched, about ten of his bones cracked, "it's 8". I sat up and gazed around the room; Ezekiel was asleep in a ball on another sofa, as were Xav and Chase, apart from that everyone else was nowhere to be seen.

I didn't remember much from last night, there was a lot of food and laughter that's for sure. It was nice to get to know everyone too, even though it was a little sad that we didn't see Xander for the rest of the evening or night; so that's where I was making my first stop today.

"I'll be back in a minute, wake them up", I told him and he saluted me, raking his black hair out of his eyes furiously.

"Yes ma'am", he waved me off and I slid out of the room, nearly hitting the deck but catching myself on the bannister.

Standing outside of Xander's room once again was a nerve wracking experience that I knew i'd have to get used to in the future; I didn't think he'd be awake right now but surely he'd had enough sleep to get up now and be somewhat sane.


I knocked his door a few times before entering, I stopped in my tracks when I saw another guy on top of him- very much naked might I add, and they were definitely doing something my freshly sixteen year old eyes shouldn't have witnessed ever.


"Shit", I cursed as their heads snapped towards me, I shut that door as quickly as possible and rushed into my room, sitting on my bed and covering my face with my cupped hands, "shit, shit, shit - ew".

I heard my brother's door open and before I could even blink, he was standing in front of me, joggers barely pulled up his waist, hair a fucking mess, face flushed and covered in red marks - fucking hell Xander.

"You uh, what you just saw- you can't- I uh", he stumbled over his words as he gripped his hair, "you can't tell them what you just fucking saw". Oh.

"Woah, easy, I wasn't planning on saying anything", I assured him, "who am I to judge? I got here basically yesterday Xander". He shook his head and paced my room a few times, sweat glistening on his chest as it rose and fell like he'd just ran laps of this house.

"I like boys", he blurted out before his eyes widened.

" too", I chuckled, the last thing I wanted was for him to feel embarrassed, especially considering it appeared he hadn't told anyone else this information.

"I'm...with a guy", he added and I raised my eyebrows.

"I wish I was", I muttered, "what do you want me to say Xander? It's cool".

"It's not cool, it's fucking stupid", he shook his head, "I can't even bring myself to tell anyone other than Xav - or you by the looks of it".

"And what do you think is stopping you?", I frowned, he scratched the back of his neck in thought.

"Me", he shrugged, "I don't wanna talk about it right now, not when he's...there".

"Well get outta here then, don't keep him waiting", I snorted, "and don't worry, secrets safe with me". He nodded once before leaving the room hastily - fucking 8 in the morning and I was walking in on my youngest older brother having sex; gross.

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