Chapter 1

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A/N - Chapter 1, here we gooo.....

Disclaimer: extraordinarily cliche ;)

The turbulence made my stomach churn, another wave of nausea passed through me and I kept a hand under my shirt and on my stomach; once I was in LA I was never getting on a plane again.

Mark my words.

There was nothing but the odd chatter, a baby crying, and some random beeping to be heard on here; it was pitch black outside the window so most people on board had resorted to sleeping or silence.

My hands were clammy as shit, although I still had like 6 hours left of this flight (who knew it took this long to get from London to Los Angeles) I was dreading what - rather who, was waiting for me on the other side...

"Do you know why you've been called to the station Isabella?", I sipped my ice coffee and let my eyes travel between the two police officers sat upright in their chairs opposite me; one was a lot older than the other and had brown hair with streaks of grey mixed in it which was tied into a loose bun on her head, the other was much younger and was constantly fiddling with his black hair which told me that he was on edge for some reason.

"Because I was living alone, functioning normally and paying rent just fine like the independent 16 year old girl I am?", I raised an eyebrow and leaned back, my straw stayed put in my mouth.

A small smirk graced the woman's lips and I internally congratulated myself - I made a police officer smile bitches.

"That is one reason yes", the guy cleared his throat, "the other is we've found relatives that are willing to take you in - they're pretty eager in fact".

"What are we talking? Uncle? Weird cousins?", I sipped again, trying not to groan at how good this drink was.

"Brothers. Six to be precise", I spat out the coffee in my mouth and it landed all over the poor guy; me being me burst out laughing as he excused himself and the woman turned her attention to me.

"You're going to live with your 6 older brothers in Los Angeles", she informed me, "one of them will meet you at the airport when you land - we'll be taking you shortly".

"You're sending me to LA?", I sat up straighter, "fucking hell".

Fucking hell indeed Izzy.

I definitely gave those officers a run for their money though, I'm sure they wouldn't miss me.

I was thankful for the undisturbed nap I was able to squeeze in - I call it a nap even though it took up the rest of the flight; when we landed in LA it was still fucking dark and I had no idea what time it was here, nor the time difference between here and London.

I only had hand luggage on me which seemed a lot more beneficial now as I watched everyone else drag their feet towards the conveyor belt thingy to retrieve suitcases - yeah no thanks.

My eyes lit up when I saw the blinding sign for Starbucks which was literally a few metres away; only problem was I only had fucking great british pounds - my life really was going to shit.

"Isabella?", I turned instantly upon hearing my name, assuming it was a brother and praying some stranger didn't know my identity here, "I knew it was you - I'm Prescott, call me Scott; I'm your second oldest brother". Prescott- I mean Scott, looked nothing like me. But he was the fucking splitting image of my, well our, mother - I wondered if he knew how much he looked like her.

"Uh, hi", I nodded once and gripped the strap of my bag, "nice to meet you".

Trying to ignore the way hurt flashed across his face I took in his appearance; neatly cut blonde hair sat on his head while a navy blue suit and tie hugged his body - why so formal? The only thing we had in common was our blue eyes, apart from that he looked like he could be related to somebody else.

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