Part 12

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-Alastor's p.o.v-

My mother... Gone. My, what should I call her? Daughter? Also gone. Husker ran over my cat, I killed him. I didn't know it was him.

I walked up to my next client, it had been a few months over a year since Astrid's death. The apartment is lonely without her and socks to keep me company. I turned and made my way to the address I had been given and knocked. "Are you the assassin?" The man asked when he opened the door. I nodded. He hurriedly gestured for me to come inside. "I heard there were supposed to be two of you? Where's the other one?" The man asked, looking around as if Astrid would be hiding behind me. "Dead." I replied sullenly. "Oh, I'm sorry about that."

"I need you to kill a priest for me." The man looked around the house, as if expecting someone to overhear us. "A guy named Robert Steinsen."

That named stirred something inside me. "Why? I usually don't ask that, but I know who you're talking about."
"He's the reason my brother... killed himself."
"Why? What did he do?"
"He told the priest that he'd cheated on his wife for a man and the priest said there was no way he would be able to get better and function properly."

"That priest is the reason I don't have a daughter anymore. We tried killing him but she died before we got inside the building." I considered rejecting the offer, which I didn't do often, but I realized that, after a year of trying to fix myself, I might have a good reason for revenge.

"So you should realize why I need him dead. War might be coming up soon, so there are no shortages of assassins around." I nodded. "Alright, I'll do it."


Surprisingly, it was easier to kill him this time. He'd been on his way to Wednesday night church and it only took a single bullet to take him down. I loaded him into my car and headed to the forest where I buried Astrid.

I began burying his body and finished with that, six feet down. I sighed when I finally finished and  leaned against my shovel. Suddenly, I heard a noise from behind me, I looked around and narrowly dodged a bullet aimed for my head. A deer Hunter stood, an army of dogs by his side, gun lifted, before he faltered and looked at me. "Get him." The Hunter whispered to his dogs. One dog lunged at me and caught my arm, leaving a deep bite as blood began to bloom over my shirt sleeve as I shook it off.

I fell back and kicked the other dog away. I stumbled into my shovel and hit one of the dogs before they could bite me again and used a spell that I'd only seen done once, the time Astrid used it to protect me. I heard the whimpering of the dogs as they faded away and died and heard a scream from the deer Hunter as he crumpled to the ground, also now dead. My head felt like it was going to split open and I fell backwards. I reached up to touch my head and felt a small x burning there. Is this how Astrid felt? I asked myself as I struggled to heave breaths out of my body. I closed my eyes and looked up at the full moon. This isn't such a bad place to die, I just wish my arm would stop burning... I let darkness swallow up the world around me and waited for the world to fade to black.

-Astrid's Pov-

Astrid watched the argument between Blitzø and Moxxie pursue from across the table. Blitzø had decided to take everyone out for a company lunch and he and Moxxie were now arguing playfully. Over what exactly, Astrid didn't catch. Loona sat scrolling through her phone ignoring the rest of the group as Millie sided with Moxxie.

Astrid looked around at the crowded streets of hell and looked at the staircase that brought new sinners. She watched as a group of new demons ran down the stairs, some looking annoyed, others looking confused and a few that looked proud of themselves.

"I'm telling you, you have an awful taste in music." Blitzø was saying to Moxxie.

"How would you know that have you ever even listened to my music? And besides at least mine isn't just constant screaming." Moxxie shot back.

Blitzø was about to reply when he was cut off by a loud voice coming off near the staircase.


Astrid looked around and gasped as her eyes landed on the new figure at the bottom of the staircase, he had changed so much but she'd be able to recognize him anywhere.

Alastor strut towards the patio outside of the restaurant they were eating at and leaned against the railing, smiling at Astrid.

"Alastor!" She ran to hug him before stepping back with a look of fury. "What the fuck!" She yelled, "I knew you would be down here but I didn't expect to see you for another 20 years at least and yet here you are! Strutting down here like you own the place!" Astrid stopped pacing and glared at him.

Alastor chuckled, "well I do have my own personal goals."

"What?" Astrid asked sarcastically, "you're going to take over hell?"

"I hope so." Alastor replied, "I feel like I should do something if I'm forced to stay in an afterlife I didn't believe in."

"Hold it, hold it." Blitzø interrupted, stepping between them. "You two know each other? I don't know what I'm picking up here."

Astrid sighed, "yeah. Everyone meet Alastor, he's my dad. Al meet my friends."

"So this is the guy who trained you?" Blitzø held out his hand to Alastor who ignored it. "Well I have to say you raised one hell of an assassin."

"I hope I did, so how exactly did Astrid get mixed in with you?" Alastor asked. Astrid groaned to herself and walked over to the rest of the group.

"They're my coworkers, Millie, Moxxie, Blitzø, and Loona. We kill people in the living world."

"The living world Hm?" Alastor sounded curious, "how do you access that?"

"It's a company secret sorry." Blitzø said proudly with his hands on his hips.

Alastor gave Blitzø a suspicious look and turned back to Astrid, "So how have you been!?" He asked with a big smile. Astrid stopped for a moment, finding it difficult to believe that this was the same man she'd seen at her grave, or the same one who held her while she died. He was cheerful now, as if nothing could dampen his spirits.

"Alastor... where's your smile?"

Right, she had asked him that. She looked back at the group, "mind if I take the rest of the day off while I show Alastor around?" She asked. Blitzø looked at his watch and shrugged.

"Eh, what the hell. Just make sure you're here tomorrow, we have a ton of appointments and I'm going to need all hands on deck." She nodded once and hopped over the railing to meet Alastor on the other side.

Demon with wings (a Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant